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Esoteric Sagittarius
The archer on fire
The antahkarana
Elephants and horses
Sagittarian engagement
The full moon
Once upon a time
Experience or rote learning?
The many Rubicons
Other Rubicons
In conclusion
Greetings Everyone!
My wife and I crossed the Rubicon a few weeks ago. It’s a picturesque little river, about 50 miles long, just above where we went on a short visit to Rimini. Oh, but perhaps you thought with the ‘Rubicon’ remark I may have meant some sort of momentous decision or event. Well, there is that, which will come later in this letter, but it has nothing to do with us. Regarding the ‘family’ here in Italy, I am talking about the actual river. Yes, there really is a river called the Rubicon – Rubicone in Italian. It is small, more on the order of a large tributary than a river, tinged red from iron deposits, hence its name. But to this day no one is really certain the river now called ‘Rubicon’ is the actual river of Caesar’s fame. Mussolini had the current river Rubicon named as such in 1933, changing its name from Fumicino, now the name of Rome’s international airport. The die was cast – Iacta alea est. Verb tenses aside for lovers of Latin language, the Rubicone is an interesting piece of history. There was even a mock trial about whether the ex-Fumicino was the actual Rubicone. Rubicone lost, but the name of the river remains. That said, in terms of world affairs, 2022 marks the year during which Iacta alea est – meaning there is no going back to the way things were before this decade. As it turns out, that is a good thing. The remainder of this century will see us all moving definitively into Aquarian dynamics, leaving the Piscean idealism and imperialism behind.
Closer to home and current news, the Christmas season has finally arrived in Rovereto. The 25th of November officially started the Christmas season here, with the lighting of the Christmas tree in the main square the day after. The markets are packed on the weekends and the atmosphere is decidedly more festive than in the past few years. Gone is the hated green pass. That went the way of Draghi – ousted. One of the first measures the Meloni government instituted was to put all the health care workers back to work who had previously been suspended due to refusal of vaccinations. There is no talk of vaccinations unless people want them. Masks still have to be worn in health care facilities, but that is a small inconvenience. Overall people here take the virus in their stride. We are looking at a Christmas season approaching pre-2020 levels. I even managed to add a few Christmas lights here at the house this year in addition to what we already had. The children love them. Speaking of children, two houses down from us they have set up a children’s Christmas playground, complete with all the annoying poppy Christmas music. It’s a musician’s nightmare. Thankfully we can’t hear it in the house.
The ancient area of Rimini, in contrast to the metro area, is quite pleasant and full of history, starting with the Tiberius Bridge (Ponte di Tiberio). The bridge was built during Jesus’ time on this Earth – you know, that Jewish preacher and religious leader of whom we are constantly reminded. Lest one is offended with the way he is presented here, he is central to our themes in this posting along with other considerations. There is a religion founded upon him, in case you didn’t know, not that he wanted that. But that religion and many people’s beliefs around it play a role in what we see unfolding in our world at present, as in believing the dead letter of any philosophy or law. That aside, to finish the news from home, the Tiberius Bridge is still open to pedestrians. We walked across it into the historic center and had a cappuccino in the main square during our sightseeing visit. By the way, the bridge spans the Marecchia River, in case one is wondering about the Rubicon. We crossed the former river, too, obviously. So with all that said, here are some rhetorical questions: Is the water under the bridge important, or the crossing and destination? Or is it the journey itself that matters? Unless we live under a rock, we cross many figurative and real bridges in life to achieve various destinations. Another rhetorical: Do we achieve a destination or does the destination change us? Having done so, do we rest there or seek out another? That brings us to our theme for this letter – Sagittarius – and its esoteric motto: I see the goal, I reach that goal and then I see another. We’ll have a bit more on Rimini later on in this letter.
Sagittarius: Every sign can be interpreted in at least three modes – personal (orthodox), aspirational (esoteric) and spiritual (hierarchical). There are many gradations in between those three and they all interblend in a human being. Every sign can also be interpreted through the lens of many traditions and cultures, and all are valid according to one’s experience. For the vast number of Western astrological readings the orthodox rulers for any sign suffice for interpretation. When an astrologer encounters someone definitely devoted to a greater service and toward spiritual development, then the esoteric rulers must be incorporated to get a wider and clearer picture of the person and also the reason they have come for a consult. The orthodox ruler of Sagittarius is Jupiter,[1] representing the Sagittarian sense of expansiveness and wide, open spaces. Regarding the rulers of any sign there are also three modes of symbolism for each of the signs. For example, the symbol commonly used for Sagittarius is the archer mounted on a white horse, signifying the person with a definite orientation toward a goal.[2] This is the Jupiterian phase of the sign and represents the search for higher meaning, attributed to the natural 9th house of the zodiac, which Sagittarius rules. The horse is the symbol for humanity still reliant on the animal nature (brain consciousness and vital body) to achieve goals. The horse (animal nature) is the vehicle, the means of which goals are reached. The bow and arrow may or may not be used in this phase of experience, but the archer is definitely self-aware and travels toward a desired goal.
Esoteric Sagittarius: In the third phase the archer becomes the archetype of the Zen archer, wherein the archer, the goal and the arrow become one. This is meditative one-pointedness, but it is also an interlude. The target is in clear view. The aim of the arrow is carefully measured (the interlude), and then – when the moment coalesces – the arrow is released toward its destination, which is also the destination of the archer. The ‘moment coalesced’ carries the concept of connection with the goal. It occurs when the target beckons the arrow, figuratively speaking. When the connection is felt or realized, the arrow is released. This highest phase of this sign is the Mars phase – the ‘firing phase’ – which ultimately produces conflict in the personality once the destination/goal is achieved. It produces conflict because a veil is broken and a new reality is revealed. ‘Firing’ has several meanings.
The archer on fire: In the orthodox or worldly sense the Mars phase applies to firing the arrow. But in terms of spiritual practice the Martian rulership of Sagittarius points to the ‘kindling phase’ – the start of the conscious use of kundalinishakti in one’s meditative practice. This is also known as gtum-mo or caṇḍālī in Buddhism and tantric practice. It is ‘the fierce woman’ and is represented in thangkas and tantric texts as the female consort (yogini) of the yogi in highest yoga tantra. The Mother Tantras in Buddhism make conscious use of this force, which is normally latent in the body at the base of the spine. It is a legacy of the lunar lords, with which Mars is associated. Mars demonstrates as kundalini latent.[3] But in meditative practice kundalini begins its awakening in Sagittarius, symbolically speaking. Mars is aroused to the battle and lights the arrow of directed intent. In this mode the ‘arrow’ is flaming and represents the awareness of the archer, the arrow flying along the path of the completed antahkarana’, the ‘rainbow bridge of light’ which links the personality with the higher Self, the latter being the soul on its own plane. The soul in this phase can be seen as ‘the playground of goals’ from the personality perspective, or the ‘the beckoning of the arrow’ from the soul’s perspective.
Not to put too fine a point on it (pun intended), the goal of every ‘arrow’ is to pierce ever-finer layers of illusion and delusion. Once a veil has been pierced and a new reality has been revealed, more light pours into the personality. We thus become more ‘lighted’ spiritually. But more than that, more bliss (or joy) comes into one’s life. Sagittarius is one of the signs associated with joyful discovery, perhaps the best description of this sign. Eventually the light that trickles in from initial successful ‘hunting’ becomes a flood of ‘light supernal’ and we enter the Capricorn phase of the zodiac. What has been a steady river of karma over our spiritual evolution from eons past – the water under the bridge – flows now under a solid bridge of light and we become inseparable from the higher Self. The goal, the journey, the archer, the bow and arrow – all at that point become one, an unshakable link to the infinite ocean of consciousness, or full enlightenment.
The antahkarana can be seen as one’s ‘personal Rubicon’. Every time that bridge of light is crossed one’s personal life is changed irrevocably. Illusions have been shattered. The brain and lower mind will need time to assimilate the experience and adjust. The arrow must be retrieved once the target is reached, to then be launched once again toward another target, or the same one if need be. This retrieval by the archer is analogous to bringing the experiences of meditation back into the brain consciousness, which is not so easy as it sounds. But, this bringing back into brain consciousness is also analogous to the archer re-mounting the white horse and then going off in search of the next target, or goal.
Sagittarian engagement: In all, Sagittarius represents a stage on the spiritual path known as the ‘path of joining’, ‘engagement’ or ‘junction’. In other words it is a path that firmly connects the personality with the higher Self by means of the bridge of light, the antahkarana. In Buddhist practice this path is called the Path of Probation. One of its prime characteristics is that of warmth (Mars/kundalini), leading to the summit (Capricorn/perfected concentration) wherein one cultivates the five powers (faith, diligence, mindfulness, concentration and wisdom), thereafter becoming acceptance of reality. This leads ultimately to the supreme attribute, wherein the five powers are consolidated into the five strengths. The thing to remember is Sagittarius represents a bridging phase in development, leading to ‘the light supernal’ – spiritual enlightenment.
As one of the uniquely human signs, representing a relative completion of human experience, Sagittarius is subjective in nature, utilizing the vital forces of the body, which is yet another symbol for the white horse of the archer. Sagittarian experience is not focussed in consciousness upon the physical plane. It is focussed upon the immortal brother,[4] the higher Self, or the soul on its own plane. We will have a little more on this most important astrological sign in human evolution in the paragraphs to follow. But to summarize, Sagittarius represents experience over knowledge, or knowledge gained through actual experience. Enlightenment must be experienced directly. It cannot be had from a book or a teaching. Sagittarius represents the phase wherein we begin to directly experience enlightenment. There is more we could investigate, but the preceding will suffice for what follows. From here we have a look at this full moon. Sagittarius is also a sign representing great tension leading to release through passionate exertion, which we see represented in this year’s full moon figure.
The full moon: The full moon takes place on 8 December 2022 at 4:08 UT (2:08 pm AEDT). The full moon axis makes a t-square with the dwarf planet Orcus. There are four planets out-of-bounds: the Moon, Venus, Mercury and Mars. The Moon and Mars are in partile conjunction. The Sun and Pluto are in parallel. The upshot of the preceding is this full moon period represents an extreme and precipitating period, for reasons that will be outlined in the following pages. The Moon and Mars are conjunct the star Rigel, which bears a mention. With the Moon, Rigel gives the following:
“Much worry and disappointment, injuries to life and fortune, sickness, ill-health or death to wife or mother.”
With Mars, Rigel gives the following:
“Unruly, ingenious, occupied with mechanical matters, great military preferment.”[5]
Technocracy: perhaps it would come as no surprise to readers familiar with Alice Bailey’s books that technocracy was born in France (Topic: “The origin of ideology”) from the French Revolution. With its 3rd and 5th ray expressions the French outlook tends along mental and scientific lines. But we recall from the Bailey books the 5th ray was withdrawn prematurely because it had done its work.[6] The 3rd ray, on the other hand, is essentially ever-present as far as this current point of history goes.[7] Technocracy was born of ideology in France – the idea that a technocratic class knows best how to run society efficiently. At the start it was a good idea, getting rid of feudalism and monarchies, separating church from state (at least outwardly) and giving rise to the modern city and technology. But the idea of the technocrats forming a government is one that has passed. Technocracy has become static and corrupted, and we see a backlash against technocrats now, being replaced outside the West by culture starting to hold sway over ideology. Technocracy is based in academia. Culture is based in experience. Technocracy is an offshoot of ideology. The corruption of our technocratic societies is at the root of why the West is failing against the emerging multipolar culture-led world outside the West, because our educational systems in the West have become disconnected from experience, and in fact try to ignore it:
“…In Europe and America, a technocratic élite system built on mythology and complacency is crumbling. Its founding fable – which prophesied the nation states’ glorious enmeshment in world government and supply chains – has metastasised into a parable of the perils of globalisation. This time, élites cannot shirk responsibility for the consequences of their fatal errors … Put simply, the emperor has no clothes: The Establishment simply has no message for voters in the face of hardship. The only vision for the future it can conjure up is Net Zero – a dystopian agenda that takes the sacrificial politics of austerity and financialisation of the world economy to new heights. But it is a perfectly logical programme for an élite that has become unhinged from the real world”.
Technocracy is a central feature of the West, with the Occident’s insistence on the individual and all our grand ideas about individual rights, democracy and freedoms. They are grand ideas, but they can and have been misappropriated, with scant regard for other cultures. We recall the 6th ray influence on Western cultures from the Virgo letter this year, linked previously. We also see how the grand ideas about our Western cultures have been thrown under the bus, gradually over the last few decades, culminating in the lockdowns and politicized vaccines and mandates, now with the Ukrainian war (it is no longer a ‘special military operation’) and the attempts of the West to cancel Russian culture and increasingly those of China and Iran. The technocratic handling of the pandemic led to great suffering in the West. The mRNA vaccines themselves are a sort of apex of technocratic achievement, with scientism (It’s a great word. Look it up.) winning out over real science. Well, the real science coming out now is revealing the economic, human and health disaster which has been COVID policy in the West. The cultures of other nations have had better results, especially more naturally collective societies, largely Asian. China has had terrible experiences with devastating epidemics in the past, has yet to have a medical system that can handle such a large population and it greatly honors its elders, the most vulnerable regarding COVID. The protests we have heard about there are purposely misreported in the West and are being aided by Western interference, with Washington intent on disrupting China’s rise. Our leaders would be better off minding their own business.
Our present world conflicts can be traced back to the clash between technocracy and culture, as explained in the following, referring to the WWII era and the example of Japan:
Emphases added, and Japan still suffers from its ‘adoption’. Our present conflicts have been called a ‘clash of civilizations’. Yes and no, that is partly true. But the conflicts we are seeing are the result of willful disinformation and misunderstanding of cultures outside the West, along with Western meddling in an attempt to pull diverse cultures into the Western orbit and Western ideology (there’s that word again). For instance, how many people would know Chinese society is based in Confucian ethics, or that Buddhism is undergoing a revival in Russia and is a dominant practice in eastern Russia? (Buddhism can be practiced as a religion, or it can be practised within the context of any religion.) Or would the average American or European know Christianity, Judaism and Zoroastrianism overlay the ancient Persian culture, a culture which still endures? Would they even care, more to the point? The fact is the leaders pushing the conflicts couldn’t care less about cultures and their preservation. These ancient civilization-states, India included, are reasserting their cultures these days, rejecting the old globalization drive, the latter being based in technocratic ideology and financial capitalization. There are other aspects to globalization, some of which are good, but the recent iteration of it grew out of the ‘90s at the so-called end of the Cold War (which never really ended) and was largely an Anglo-American project.
It is said that economic blocs based in cultures are actually a desirable evolution of the world order, contrasted with the desire of factions in the West to maintain their hegemony or even dominance they have held in commerce and finance for the past few centuries. But these cultures have diverse views as to how money and finance should be handled and now they see a way out of the Western-controlled SWIFT system as well as the use of fiat currencies.
“Blocs in themselves can be good and proper if they follow lines of natural cleavages, of language differences and of cultural distinctions. They can be essentially right if they are formed for economic, educational, religious and social aims and can therefore provide no true cause for alarm. Such blocs would be cultural and not militaristic, economic and not greedy, and they could provide a normal and progressive movement away from the separative nationalism of the past and towards the distant creation of the One World, and the One Humanity. This will some day be seen…”[9]
Sagittarius is associated with higher thought, long range travel, philosophy, higher education, the judiciary, religion, exploration, foreign trade – Jupiterian themes. One can be very well educated and still remain entirely ignorant about a wide swath of the world. Academia these days has a tendency to put blinders on people’s perspective. One sees it in masters’ theses and doctoral dissertations, where the amount of quoting of ‘reputable’ and recognized sources often makes the difference as to how widely accepted those works will be in the academic community. Academia in this case becomes an echo chamber divorced from society, as we see today with our educated (and ignorant) elites. Like science, academia these days advances by prestige instead of experience. This happens in the religious sphere, too, where the ‘word of God’ (albeit the letter of the Word) is sacrosanct and deviation from the texts is at least frowned upon if not actively persecuted. There is an example in Buddhism to illustrate the point.
Once upon a time there was this monk (true story, actually) named Gendun Chopel. He has been called “the most famous, and infamous, Tibetan intellectual of the 20th century.” At an early age he was identified as a reincarnation of a lama (a tulku in other words) of the Nyingma order, but was never invested (enthroned) and ended up in Lhasa at a Gelugpa (Yellow Hat) monastery. He quickly gained a reputation as an unusually skilled debater and brilliant student – so brilliant he would argue with his teachers about the texts, to the extent that one of his teachers was so incensed with it he called Chopel “madman” instead of by his name. At the time he was “enrolled in Gomang College of Drepung monastery, one of the “three seats” of the Geluk in the vicinity of Lhasa and, with some twelve hundred monks, the largest Buddhist monastery in the world.” It was also considered the intellectual seat of Tibetan Buddhism. Chopel took little notice of it and instead devoted himself to painting thangkas. There is a rather interesting side story:
“He would, however, frequent the debating courtyard to confound his fellows, often challenging the best students while disguised as one of the dap-dop, the society of monk police who enforced discipline in the monastery; something like a Buddhist version of the Hell’s Angels, these athletic monks prided themselves on their ignorance of Buddhist philosophy. For an aspiring geshe [Tibetan Buddhist scholar/intellectual] to be defeated in debate by a dap-dop was thus an unspeakable disgrace, which Gendun Chopel undoubtedly took great delight in inflicting.”
Experience or rote learning?: The point of the preceding story is as follows: Chopel was a recognized incarnation and as such had directly experienced enlightenment. To what degree, we don’t know, but only Adepts are recognized incarnations in Tibetan Buddhism. A lama in Tibet is equivalent to what Theosophists would call a Master of the Wisdom. And this comes to the crux of our present impasse in the West – experience is not honoured in academia. Chopel had and represented experience. To receive a university degree in a Western University one has to be able to recite the rote letter of the presentations of the academic pedagogy, and to conform to a certain academic demeanor. Firebrands at universities are not generally tolerated these days and tenure is performance-based: “publish or perish”. And to publish at a university level one has to be able to cite numerous other academic sources, who all have to do the same. Otherwise they would not be accredited academics. Reading an academic treatise is like traveling through the desert with no water. One can gain a lot of information, but where is the experience – the ‘soul’ of the text? We see this sort of thing often in religion and even in esoteric circles where the text is the ‘written word’ and from that there shall be no deviation. It also applies to the judiciary, where the letter of the law is often the determining factor in judgements rather that the spirit of the law, being thereby divorced from experience and context. Quibbling is rife in academia, religion and law.
Especially in the Western press (led by American multimedia organizations) stories are often planted, too, as told in a recent video that has surfaced, actually from 1983. Often, then, the media is not the purveyor of information, but the promotor of narrative instead. It has been true for the pandemic, for so many conflicts and now for the war in Ukraine. Europe is destroying itself because its leaders refuse to admit the truth, partly because they believe the narrative, partly because of ignorance and partly because of pressures foreign and domestic. The European leaders are also under the delusion that the EU can stand toe-to-toe with the likes of Washington and China economically and that they have influence, not seeing they have failed to rein in Russia and thinking they can do without China. So, we come back to the opening sentences and our consideration of crossing the Rubicon, especially important for Europe, as well as the West at large.
The many Rubicons: ‘Crossing the Rubicon’ is a phrase well known to us. As a figure of speech it means going past a point of no return. Historically it was a challenge to the power of the existing Roman Republic, precipitating Caesar’s civil war, ending in him being made Roman dictator for life. ‘Crossing the Rubicon’ means life will not be the same thereafter. Crossing the Rubicon also eventually cost Caesar his life. It also precipitated the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire. The Rubicon phrase refers specifically to risky or revolutionary actions. We have seen two such primary risky and revolutionary actions this year. February marked the major ones, though there have been others, with more to come. Of course, we speak here of the Russian intervention in Ukraine, simultaneous with the sharp escalation of tensions in the Donbas by Kiev, the recognition of the Donbas republics by Russia, the slapping of sanctions on Russia as a result and the subsequent Russian intervention. The sanctions were the 2nd Rubicon. The other ‘Rubicons’ will be addressed later here.
Starting with the military aspect, both sides – NATO and Russia – thought there would be a quick capitulation by the other side with the escalation of hostilities. The Russians, thinking the regime in Kiev would collapse (video. Watch the whole thing, from a Polish interviewer), seeing a 40 mile long column of Russians on the outskirts of Kiev, were surprised when the Ukrainians fought back. On the other hand the West, led by Washington, thought their sanctions would cause such unrest within the Russian elites that the latter would rise up and oust Putin. Neither side had a clear picture of the other. But the Rubicons had been crossed. The war was on. It will be settled on the battlefield.
Perhaps the rest of the world outside the West understands Russia better than do we in the West. Especially in the Anglo-American sphere we hear only the negative about Russia, and even more so and worse tend to reduce the conflict to a fight between ‘good’ and ‘evil’, as well as one of ‘democracy’ against ‘autocracy’:
“The reality of this war, in contrast, is that there isn’t a “good” side and a “bad” side, there are just the Ukrainian and Russian sides, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, flaws, and attributes. By refusing to study and understand the Russians in an open and honest way, we fail to arm ourselves with the information and knowledge necessary to create policies that have a solid chance of attaining outcomes beneficial to the United States. One does not need to love Russia or condone anything they’ve done. But by clinging to the arrogant view that Russia is a weak state, with a garbage military, led by evil men, we stumble into policies that may, through sheer ignorance, inadvertently produce outcomes antithetical to our interests.”
You don’t say. To the preceding we might add studying and understanding Ukrainians (the good, the bad and the ugly), and any other state currently undergoing demonization in the media and by government mouthpieces. And when it comes to outcomes beneficial to the United States, we can add Western Europe and Canada into the mix, too. Really, one could expand the latter to the entirety of nations. All that being said, Americans and Europeans need to be told the truth about Russia and Ukraine.
Why do we keep hearing Ukraine must win the war, the Russians are weak and will collapse, that we must keep up the military and financial support to Ukraine as long as it takes? To explain, there is a video of an interview with Alastair Crooke, one of the most distinguished and experienced British diplomats which everyone in the West is advised to watch. It is a big dose of truth. In it he states the reason why European leadership seems intent on destroying Europe, on committing suicide. His thoughts were recently echoed by Ryszard Legutko, who had the courage to stand up in the EU Parliament and give the sitting members a dose of truth (vid). There was applause from some members during his comments and smug smiles from others. So, the EU Parliament is not completely brain dead. Still, it conforms to narrative when push comes to shove. It comes down to what can only be described as a mass delusion – the narrative must be maintained at all costs. It was the same with the pandemic. And they stubbornly and blindingly hope against hope the Russians can be defeated. So strong is that belief, that anyone who speaks out against it is prosecuted, or at the very least, side-lined or fired from their positions.
Meanwhile we hear our hypocritical Western leaders (Jimmy Dore, vid) calling on China to honor human rights amidst protests against current lockdowns in China, and in Iran amidst protests about women’s rights. It is worth noting, in case you hadn’t heard, the Iranians just released 1.200 people who had been detained during the riots, have suspended the ‘morality police’ and are targeting terrorist cells in the nation backed by the Israelis, the British and the Saudis. There was foreign interference with the recent protests in China, too. China is easing its lockdowns, but maintains a zero-COVID policy for reasons not understood in the West. Those loosening measure were announced two weeks before the protests, yet the NY Times claims the easing as a victory for the protesters. As many myths with which we are presented about Russia, we see the same thing regarding China.
Returning to our technocrats and their narrative, we saw the same ‘necessity’ of the need to adhere to narrative during the COVID episode – the rush to get everyone in the public jabbed, the mask mandates, the use of high tech mRNA against the virus instead of time-tested and time-honored vaccines, the ‘green passes’ and so on. The rush on the COVID vaccines (whether or not one calls them vaccines) was based on three vectors – corporate interests, technology being pushed (rushed) for purposes of patent protections and corporate profits, and political expediency. Increasingly, it is becoming clear the Western nations especially botched the pandemic and rushed through tech that should have been more thoroughly tested. That is not my lone opinion. More and more doctors are coming forward saying the same thing. The public by and large senses it, too. And because this particular virus was handled the way it was, if a truly deadly virus did take hold the public cynicism about health matters could prove to be disastrous. Trust in our governments has come under public scrutiny and approval ratings for governments and media across the West has plummeted. But there was something more behind the pandemic response, too, because the multipolar order was already starting to coalesce before the pandemic even entered the scene. We have covered that emergence bit by bit over the last few years of these letters, along with the fragility of the financial capitalism that Washington and London (primarily) promote and wish to keep secured. Fiat currencies and the derivative markets are also technocratic developments, instead of basing financial exchanges in natural commodoties.
For example, regarding the US, most Americans don’t even realize why they hate Putin. If Americans and Europeans could see how Putin treated his oligarchs, for instance, (video clip) their opinion of him might be a little more positive. That would seem well-nigh impossible now, so complete has been the conditioning to hate anything Russian. But, regarding the US and its ‘EU colleagues’, we have the following legislation which has been enacted in the US, ostensibly to weaken Russia, but which instead is weakening Europe:
Other Rubicons: There have been other, lesser Rubicons crossed since February. Although lesser, they are no less earth-shaking in their future effects:
“The serious fracture between Global North and Global South, so evident in Bali, had already been suggested in Phnom Penh, as Cambodia hosted the East Asia Summit this past weekend. The 10 members of ASEAN had made it very clear they remain unwilling to follow the US and the G7 in their collective demonization of Russia and in many aspects China. The Southeast Asians are also not exactly excited by the US-concocted IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework), which will be irrelevant in terms of slowing down China’s extensive trade and connectivity across Southeast Asia. And it gets worse. The self-described “leader of the free world” is shunning the extremely important APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) summit in Bangkok at the end of this week. For very sensitive and sophisticated Asian cultures, this is seen as an affront.”
Russia is strengthening its cooperation with its allies in the East. They, along with key members of the Global South, are busily implementing a new game-changing cross-border payment system. Once implemented, the SWIFT system, controlled by American and European bankers, will become obsolete in the ‘developing world’. That is perhaps the biggest reason we see so much hatred in the West toward Iran, China and Russia. It threatens the very existence of the financial capitalist system centered in Washington, the City of London and New York. As an aside and useful thing to know, the City of London is a study of criminal enterprise in itself, beholden to no Sovereign, a statelet within a state. King Charles has to have permission – an invitation – to even enter The City. It is a big reason why we see so little change in the UK and why Corbyn was ousted from the Labour Party leadership, probably never to return.
And just a final word for this piece about Russia: legislation for the care and nurturing of children. Putin just signed a decree ratified by the Duma ensconcing the traditional family as the norm within Russia. But the decree goes much further. It is worth a read at the link. Of the salient points, three stand out:
In concluding our look at technocrats and its effect on leadership, we cannot go past Europe without a quick overview. A recent rundown of the leadership situation of the main PMs in Europe – the UK, France, Germany and Italy – shows Macron on the outs with Meloni and Scholz, while Sunak has a weak government. Meloni and Macron are particularly at odds, especially since 2019 when she called him out over immigration policy, particularly focused on the state of affairs in Burkina Faso. Gold is one of its main exports, being the 4th-largest such exporter in Africa. People can think what they want about Meloni, but she correctly called out the profiteering and still-extant colonialism of France. Macron was not appreciative of her comments. Burkina Faso has one of the worst problems of child labor in the world, where children are routinely exploited. With Scholz and his stoplight coalition we see they are doing so poorly for the German public that coups against the government are a real possibility. So, what is to become of Europe? Alastair Crooke, as we read above, had more to say on that matter:
“Simply put, the EU narrative is that it has meaningful political agency. But Washington has just demonstrated it has none. It has trashed that narrative. So, Europe is destined to become an economic backwater. It has ‘lost’ Russia — and soon China. And is finding it has lost its standing in the world, too. Again, the actual situation on the geo-political ‘battlefield’ is almost completely at odds with the EU narrative of itself as a geo-strategic player.
Its ‘friend’, the Biden Administration, is gone — whilst powerful enemies elsewhere accumulate. The EU political class never had a good grasp of its limitations — it was ‘heresy’ even to suggest there were limitations to EU power. Consequently, the EU has hugely overinvested in this narrative of its agency too. Hanging EU flags from every official building will not cast a fig leaf over the nakedness, nor hide the disconnect between the Brussels ‘bubble’ and its deprecated European proletariat. French politicians now openly ask what can save Europe from complete vassalage. Good question. What does one do when a hyper-inflated power narrative bursts, at the same time as a financialised one?”
The probable answer is eventually the G7 rules-based order will have to join the multipolar order:
“In order to survive, that is to join the multipolar New World Order of the seven billion, the Great Rest, the tiny west, the one billion remaining, will have to eat humble pie. It has already started. The New World Order will be global, but not globalist, imperial, but not imperialist, just, but not woke, based on values that are traditional and universal and human.”
In the words of Oscar Wilde, “There is nothing so powerful as an idea whose time has come.”
In conclusion, in a few years of time, as in before the end of this decade, we look forward to seeing this unsettled and upsetting period simply as water under the bridge, bringing with it a new understanding of how the world works and with major military conflicts fast becoming a thing of the past. We see enforced demilitarization happening even now, little as we are informed of it. But that is another story. The US, with its strong Sagittarius/Gemini leaning, will be in the process of soul-searching and pursuing new goals, other than the rules-based order – its rules – that it is currently seeks to preserve. Europe, too, will be in a process of transition, which is already starting. Gone will be the technocratic G7 consensus. Instead, culture will be reasserted across Europe. Eastern Europe will need time to rebuild. The Eastern powers will be there to help, as it is a natural and geographic leaning. The major Asian economic bloc will be largely solidified. Is this a prophesy? Maybe, but the present trajectory of events points toward these conclusions. You would scarcely know it from any Western media source, legacy or social. Few are the sources who dare to speak truth to power.
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