
14 JAN 2025
© Malvin Artley
“Mi auguro per il mondo intero, tre cose: pace, fratellanza e amore – in tutto il mondo.”[1]
(Trans: “I wish for the entire world three things: peace, brotherhood and love – all over the world.”)
Riccardo Muti
Topics (linked to paragraphs):
The Culmination
Climbing the mountain
Emergent boddhisattvas
Capricorn groups and nations
Group impact
The full moon
Eris’ mythology
Ancient karma revisited
Preparatory clearing
Current events
The California wildfires
Ukraine update
Paris and Brussels
West Asia update
Revivals in Syria
The Gaza ‘ceasefire’
Who is in the driver’s seat?
The Resistance is not dead
The Arabs
The dangers of ‘victory’
Brzezinski, globalism and wokism
The incoming administration
O Canada!
Greenland? Really?
Washington and Capricorn
In conclusion

Greetings Everyone!

It is a holiday tradition in this part of the world to tune in to the New Year’s concert in Vienna on New Year’s Day. There are many such concerts across the world on that day to usher in the New Year. What better way to do so than to celebrate the start of the year with some of the most beautiful music in the world? This year the Vienna Philharmonic was directed by the Maestro Riccardo Muti, who gave his thoughts for the coming year in the quote at the start of this letter, after he was interrupted by the audience at the opening strains of “The Blue Danube” (“An der schönen blauen Donau” by Johann Strauss II). Never interrupt the Maestro. One always gets an earful if so. But his blessing for the year is one we can all take to heart in fullness. I certainly echo his sentiments. Seeing those concerts always brings back fond memories of my time playing in the community orchestra when I was at university. We couldn’t hold a candle to the Vienna Philharmonic, but we put our full efforts into it. The strains of the Blue Danube echoed through my head for days after the Capo D’anno concert this year, especially after Muti’s words.

The Italian Legend of La Befana | Eataly The Christmas season just ended here in Italy. The Epiphany (Jan 6) is the official end of the season. It is also known as the day of La Befana (witch). The befana is a soot-covered woman or witch in Italian folklore who delivers presents to the children on the night before the Epiphany. Of course, the parents all know who the befana really is, but we don’t tell the kids. So, the kids here get two nights for receiving gifts. Not a bad deal. The day after, though, all the Christmas lights are turned off in the city, the stalls at the Christmas market are disassembled and life returns to the daily grind. Sigh…It’s always a little sad to see it all go. It also means the working year is reinstated and the New Year is on in earnest. The only things that remain from the holidays are the after-Christmas sales. We take our lights and decorations down here at the house this weekend. And as for the natural seasons, we can already notice the daylight hours here beginning to slowly increase. I know, too, because the dogs are already waking me up a little earlier as the weeks pass. Animals live by the sun, unlike we who live by society-imposed clocks. But this theme of increasing light is connected with our current theme for this month – the sign Capricorn. Capricorn has been called the “birthplace of the Christ,” the place of the “second birth” into spiritual Life.[2] Hence, Christmas is celebrated in Capricorn.

Capricorn: In the northern hemisphere the winter solstice, marking the ingress of the Sun into Capricorn, signals the end of the darkest daylight hours of the year and the promise of increasing light. Capricorn in the north thus symbolizes the victory of light over darkness. The victory is not apparent yet, but as the weeks pass the victory becomes more and more apparent, to be fulfilled at the solstice at Cancer. However, there is light, and then there is spiritual Light. Esoterically the situation of light in relation to the cancer/Capricorn axis is reversed. The darkest of days in terms of spiritual light is when a person enters into physical incarnation, archetypally in the sign Cancer.[3] It is in Capricorn, esoterically, when the greatest Light is experienced and the doorway that leads out of samsara (the necessity for rebirth in a physical body) is opened wide. We have at that point, having seen the open door, only to make the effort to walk through it. So, we have a theme here, as in ‘from darkness to the Light’.

The Culmination: Capricorn rules the natural 10th house (sector) of the Western zodiac, with the cusp of that house being called the Midheaven. In terms of daylight hours the Midheaven represents the noon hour, the hour of greatest sunlight, whereas the cusp of the 1st house (the Ascendant) represents dawn (the birth of daylight). Capricorn marks the culmination of all efforts, material and spiritual. And we see it reflected in the northern hemisphere these days with the dual representation of Capricorn in the Christmas season – the overt materiality as it is emphasized in the West (the Christian world) as well as the celebration of the coming Light in the birth of the Christ child. The two are celebrated hand-in-hand. But to walk through the door to liberation and the eternal Light, we must leave the material world and thoughts of it behind. Given our look at the preceding signs in these most recent letters, we thereby have a basis to properly parse what this most mysterious of signs has in terms of meaning for us. And in this present period of upheaval the following quote will concern the rest of what follows in this letter:

“Capricorn is ever the sign of conclusion, and of this the mountain top is frequently (though not always) the symbol, for it marks the point beyond which further ascent in any particular life cycle is not possible. Capricorn is, therefore, the sign of what has been called esoterically “periodic arresting.” Progress becomes impossible under the existing forms, and there has to be the descent into the valley of pain, despair and death before a fresh attempt to scale the heights takes place.”[4]

Free Majestic Mountain Goat Image | Download at StockCake Climbing the mountain: Capricorn is ruled in the orthodox and esoterically by Saturn. By the time one passes through the 3rd initiation the rulership of Capricorn becomes Venus.[5] It is this point upon which we will focus on this topic in this letter, because this stage follows upon the goal-fitness of the disciple to be able to pass through that door, as exemplified in Sagittarius (starting from the topic “Sagittarius”) from our previous letter. What we are looking at here with Capricorn is the attainment of a sort of ‘critical mass’ in the process of utilizing the internal fires in the process of clearing away the obstacles to full enlightenment, such that a wide enough channel is opened such that the full light of the higher Self floods into the brain consciousness, temporarily blinding the new initiate to the world, experienced as the ‘light supernal’, leading to the esoteric motto for the sign: “Lost am I in light supernal, yet on that light I turn my back.”[6] It is at that point, in that experience that the secret of the soul is revealed:

“Capricorn guards the secret of the soul itself and this it reveals to the initiate at the time of the third initiation. This is sometimes called the “secret of the hidden glory.”[7]

That ‘hidden glory’ is the very light supernal just described, the very nature of the soul itself. Thus having been experienced, why would the initiate then turn away from it? What we have in the experience of the initiation itself is the transition from the rulership of Saturn to the rulership of Venus in Capricorn. A little explanation is in order, and it starts with the following:

“Saturn is one of the most potent of the four Lords of Karma and forces man to face up to the past, and in the present to prepare for the future.”[8]

Exactly what is being cleared in the Sagittarian process of utilizing the internal fires is, in reality, karma itself, which has been incorporated into the bodies of the personality. It is a uniquely painful experience at times. Yet, with each goal achieved, the expansion of consciousness thereby attained puts to rest any consideration of pain. Suffering is thereby lessened. We know from Buddhism 101 that the cause of suffering is ignorance – ignorance of the nature of the soul, and ultimately of the Buddha nature (the latter achieved at the 5th initiation, exemplified in Pisces). With the 3rd initiation, called ‘the ground of the Very Joyful’ and the ‘Path of Seeing’ in Buddhism, personal karma is not yet complete. At the same time the new initiate (a.k.a. ‘the rich young man’ who encountered Jesus[9]) realizes that, along with the experience of the light supernal, the work is not yet done. But a great achievement has been had. The word from the soul (higher Self/the Spiritual Triad) sounds forth, referenced in Matthew 19:21:

“If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”

Emergent boddhisattvas: The consciousness of the initiate at this point is twofold – the soul is seen in all its glory, yet the suffering of the world is also apparent, and still felt in the body of the initiate. A grand desire arises: to bring everyone else (as in all sentient beings – ‘the poor’ in the Bible verse) to the experience just had. The true bodhisattva consciousness is born. It is no longer an aspiration. It is a true realization. The spirit of renunciation arises in the consciousness of the initiate – the realization that worldly matters can never bring one to the experience of The Very Joyful. All worldly concerns – urgings, desires, attachments and ambitions are given up and used as tools for teaching – bringing ‘the poor’ towards enlightenment. There is no thought of self. The soul and the personality are fully integrated and consecrated to service. Thereby we have the rulership of the planet Venus at this stage of spiritual development. This is the ideal for Capricorn, to become a true bodhisattva, renouncing the world for the sake of the spiritual enlightenment of all. There is a materialistic path for Capricorn, too, but with that we are not concerned here. It is worth noting, though, that extremes are a key note for Capricorn, both material and spiritual. Whenever Capricorn is prominent in a horoscope some ultimate achievement along a chosen goal is mandated in the life of the individual, group or nation. Thus we can see the extreme lust for wealth and power on the one hand, and the height of spiritual realization on the other. Thus it has been said that “…the Capricornian can express all the worst of which a person is capable and all the best. It is a sign of extremes…”[10]

Capricorn groups and nations: There is a particular interest in this letter regarding nations and a certain group, given this year ends the Stage of the Forerunner. We see crystallization and breaking in a few of the main nations mentioned in A. A. Bailey’s The Destiny of the Nations. Brussels and Paris have Capricorn as their personality rulers, indicating crystallization, age and materialism.[11] The same is true for nations who have Capricorn as their personality ruler – Australia, Austria, Greece, India, Japan and Spain, of the major countries that have been concerned in this Stage of the r/MapPorn - Jewish population in Europe, 1933 compared to 2015. Forerunner. The Jews as a group also have Capricorn as their personality expression. And in a significant number of the members of that group (certainly not all of them and probably not the majority), we see the worst of humanity in action in their utter brutality against the Palestinians, driven and aided by Zionists in the US and Europe. That particular subset of Judaism – which is not actually Judaism – was an invention by European secular Jews in the mid-19th century. I would venture to say that the ‘Jewish problem’ mentioned in Alice Bailey’s books in reality refers to that particular sub-group. “Judaism is NOT an ethnicity or race. It is a religion, requiring belief in God and the Torah.” Zionism can be seen as a form of eugenics, anathema to human progress. It must end if there is to be any peace in the world. This needs to be stated and kept in mind. But it also must be stated that there are many Jews who have come out against Zionism and the brutality against the Palestinians. In what follows in the remainder of this letter we will have an overview of how that materialistic ambition is likely soon to be shattered. There is one more point to mention here.

Group impact: There is a cycle of group impact that takes place every seven years in the first week of the Capricorn quarter (Dec 21 – 27), in which the energies of Capricorn are augmented.[12] The most recent such heightened impact was in 2019. That is when the emergence of the coronavirus took place, with the resulting effect of a heightened awareness of humanity to the use and abuse of power. This present cycle, closing in 2026, has been one of an accelerated awakening of humanity – to the powers that rule over us, to the nature of our societies, to our supposed alliances and likewise supposed enemies, and so on. One can trace the cycle backwards and gauge the effects of those week of group impact: 2012, 2005, 1998, 1991, 1984, 1977, 1970, 1963, 1956, 1949, 1942, and so on. We do not have the space to go into it here. But the effects of that week are said to be heightened if the full moon takes place in that period. Such will be the case in 2026, as in December of next year. Such was the case in 2012, 1991, 1977 and 1942. With all the preceding in mind we move on now to the full moon and what might be indicated as to the further awakening of humanity in the unfolding world events.

The full moon takes place on 13 Jan 2025 at 22:27 UTC (09:27 AEDT on the 14th for Australia). The Moon, Mercury and Mars are all out-of-bonds (OOB), explained shortly. The full moon axis is approaching the Mars/Pluto opposition, which has been with us for some time, with Mars in its retrograde phase. The Sun will be conjunct Pluto in Aquarius at the time of Trump’s inauguration. Venus is conjunct Saturn, with both of them square to Jupiter. Eris sits at the apex of a t-square with the full moon axis. We will get to the synthesis of all this in a moment. First, a few words about Eris are in order. Eris is slightly larger than Pluto, and needs to be considered as a matter of course in astrology now.

Eris’ mythology is that of a warrior goddess. She is said to have accompanied Mars on the battlefield, delighting in the bloodshed of war. She is the daimona (personified deity) of strife, discord, contention and rivalry.[13] Her symbolism has a particular connection with our current situation in West Asia, described as follows (see endnote 13):

“Because of Eris’ disagreeable nature she was the only goddess not to be invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. When she turned up anyway and was refused admittance, she raged and threw a golden apple amongst the goddesses inscribed “To the fairest.” Three laid claim to it – Hera, Aphrodite and Athena – and in their rivalry brought about the events leading up to the Trojan War.”

Ancient karma revisited: For those readers familiar with Greek and Roman mythology, the Trojan War was fought at the ancient (now defunct) city of Troy, which existed at the outlet of the modern Turkish straits into the Mediterranean at the Dardanelles (Hellespont). Australians and Kiwis know the region better from the battle at Gallipoli at ANZAC Cove (25 April 1915), where Aussies and Kiwis still make a pilgrimage every year. ANZAC (Australia-New Zealand Army Corps) Day is a national holiday in Australia and New Zealand. Gallipoli is across the Dardanelles from ancient Troy. This little digression still has significance to our investigations here. The Turkish straits are strategic choke points permitting transit to and from the Mediterranean and the Black and Azov Seas. The straits have been hotly contested for at least two centuries for their strategic importance, especially by the British.

Beginner's guide to ANZAC Day in Gallipoli | On The Go Tours | NZ The battle at the Dardanelles in 1915 was a battle fought by British and French-led forces to capture Constantinople (Istanbul), the capital of the Ottoman Empire, in an effort to relieve the Russian forces that were fighting the Turks in the Caucasus. One of the main aims in WWI was to finally break up the collapsing Ottoman Empire, the other being to counter the rise of Germany, both of which had upset the balance of power in Europe. The Ottomans had sided with the Central Powers (Germany and Austro-Hungarian). From our look at the carving up of the dying Ottoman Empire after WWI, we know the Balfour Declaration of 1917 saw the creation of Palestine, along with other treaties that led to the current nation states of West Asia at the defeat of the Ottomans. The end of the war also redrew the map of Europe, spelling the end of the Austro-Hungarian and Russian Empires. Ukraine briefly became an independent nation after WWI, having been part of the Russian Empire since the 18th century. Prior to that what is now Ukraine was then part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

In essence for West Asia, what had long been Turkic lands in West Asia were separated into nations with synthetic borders, in what was really a project to foment weakness and further strife across West Asia in order to enable Western control of the region. What is currently called Israel in fact was part of the Ottoman Empire since the early 16th century. We see these old cultures and antagonisms working out today. Idlib and Aleppo in Syria were regions of Turkic culture and influence for centuries. The Turks have decided they are to be returned to Türkiye, full stop. They also have their eyes on Jerusalem. That brings us back to Eris and the full moon. What do we see in Syria now? – three nations (two in reality) all vying for control in what was once Syria – Türkiye, Israel and the United States. In reality Israel is an outpost of the United States and the UK.

Preparatory clearing: Returning to the full moon, what might we expect to see as we move toward the three main spiritual festivals for this year – Aries, Taurus and Gemini? This full moon figure represents an explosive set of factors. This figure presages the inauguration of Trump, with that administration expected to throw a few ‘golden apples’ into West Asia, and Europe as well. We already see the effects building to what is to come. With the fall of Syria, imperial hubris is on full display. Each of the three factions vying for control in Syria are convinced that they are ‘the fairest’, with each of them being likewise convinced that they are on course to achieve their long-term objectives. For Israel that objective is regional hegemony, leading ultimately to the creation of Eretz Israel and the breakup of all the Arab States. For the United States the goal is to sow chaos and secure resources in an arc running from the Baltics to the Persian Gulf, ultimately leading to the breakup of Russia and the halt of the Chinese rise to Asian dominance. For the Turks the ultimate aim (in Erdogan’s mind) is to recreate at least part of the Ottoman Empire and expand his pan-Turkic ideology across Western and Central Asia, all the way to Xinjiang. All three of the nations just mentioned have their own selfish interests at heart, but they also work in tandem in order to achieve their individual goals. Syria is where the modern ‘battle for Troy’ will emerge, because when it comes to it, the aims of the three nations are at odds with each other.

Apple of Discord In summary and synthesis of this full moon figure, we have the very powerful t-square of the full moon axis square to Eris. The Moon rules the chart, being in its home sign of Cancer. Mars is retrograde there, too, in its fall by essential dignity, signifying buried anger and emotional frustrations that will come boiling to the surface, especially since Mars is out-of-bounds (OOB). Mars OOB always indicates an increasingly restive period. It will reach its maximum OOB station from 7 – 12 February. It will exactly square Eris on the day of Trump’s inauguration (20th Jan). That means the Trump administration will feature the Mars/Eris square. Well, the forecast for the Capricorn quarter (Dec 22 – Mar 20) was for a wild ride, after all. Mars will make its direct station on 24 Feb, square to the US natal Saturn: imperial hubris will lead to blunders. These points all have significance for the United States and the West in general; to be explained as we go along here. In the full moon figure emotional tensions are further indicated by the Moon OOB, along with Venus conjunct Saturn, the latter indicating emotions (desires) facing realities. Coupled with the square to Jupiter, the indications are for thwarted ambitions and lashing out in reaction to those realities. In other words, it will soon enough become apparent to the current powers in old Syria vying for control that they have in reality won pyrrhic victories. The Resistance will soon enough be rising again, to be explained in the West Asia update.

Ameliorating the tensions found in the full moon figure are sextile/trine aspects to the full moon axis by Uranus and Neptune, the two planets not being in aspect to each other in the chart. The combination of the two, however, points to peculiar psychic states, inspiration, spiritual insight and understanding, as well as contacts with foreign countries. It is a chart that lends itself to the inspiration that comes from moments of crises. And there will be plenty of crises from which to draw our inspirations in the following weeks. We should see this period as a positive instead of onerous events to come. The combination of Mars OOB opposite to Pluto along with the t-square described above is of the nature of a preparatory clearing, which at times will seem quite brutal. But the preparation is for the decision to be made about the timing for the reappearance of the World Teacher, for which many people yearn. The obstacles to that reappearance are the militarism we see in the world, the hatred and recalcitrance we see of certain parties, especially in West Asia and Western leadership and the misuse of money – being geared to usury, as a weapon and a means for selfish gain and power. These factors must be corrected if there is to be peace, brotherhood and love in the world.

The fact the obstacles to the reappearance are so entrenched points to the necessity for painful measures to be undertaken to remove them. The removal of those obstacles is much closer than we might believe. We recall the famous quote from Thomas Paine:

“These are the times that try men’s souls: the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country…”

The quote was written in 1776 at the time of the American Revolutionary War. The meaning is clear, in that crises call on the measure of a person’s and a nation’s soul. We do not see the soul when in comfort. We see it ray forth in times of crises. In our current era it is the soul of humanity that is being called upon once again, as it has been many times. I have no doubt humanity will respond once again, at least enough of humanity, and that the utter barbarity we are witnessing in West Asia will be called to account. The suffering in Eastern Europe is well on its way to being resolved, where a new and just security for Europe will emerge at the cessation of hostilities there. Capricorn represents darkness, but also the blinding light of spiritual realization. We are going to witness some conflagrations in the weeks ahead. See them as a purgative instead of devastation. We are already seeing some major events since the last full moon. We may as well list some of them here. Let us not be ‘summer/armchair soldiers’ and ‘sunshine patriots’ as we start our preparations.

Current events: Some of the following events were touched upon in the Capricorn ingress post on the blog site. The ingress took place a week after the Sagittarius festival. We have the following:

  • The Magdeburg terrorist ramming attack. Six people were killed and upwards of 300 injured when a disgruntled Saudi apostate and Zionist was the driver, arrested at the scene.
  • The Mazan rapes trial resulted in 50 convictions, a victory for the women of France.
  • In the space of 24 hours there were three airline incidentsone in South Korea, one the next day in Oslo and one in Canada. There was also one in Kazakhstan on Christmas Day, making for a week of horrors in aviation. The events were unrelated, except for the fact two of them involved landing gear failures in Boeing 777-800 aircraft (Korea and Oslo). The Korean incident was the deadliest airline crash since 2017. The 777-800 aircraft was the precursor to the 737-MAX, the latter which has also shown up in major airline disasters. Since 2005 Boeing’s reputation has fallen such that many people are now afraid to board Boeing aircraft. This has been due to the managerial class at the company ousting engineers (the latter having made Boeing the great American aircraft company it was) and replacing them with the bottom line – profit margins taking precedence over quality and solid engineering. The same has been true of many once-great companies.
  • On New Year’s Day there were two terrorist attacks in the United States – one a bombing in Las Vegas outside the Trump Tower, the other a ramming attack in New Orleans. The common theme between them appears to be an attempt at fomenting further Islamophobia in the US, with a possible attempt at manufacturing consent for a war with Iran. The Vegas incident was clearly a psy-op.
  • Ukraine crisis: Would Putin shut off gas again? - CSMonitor.comUkraine turned off the gas flowing into Central Europe via Ukraine. Keep in mind Ukraine is an American and British proxy. The effect on Russia will be minimal. The effect on Europe is already seen – higher prices for gas. The move is about shutting Russia out of the European market and thereby weakening Europe as an economic competitor to the US. It is also about creating a bigger market for expensive American LNG. The move also hurts Ukraine, who made around $1billion a year in gas transit fees.
  • Several EU governments have fallen – Germany, France, Austria, Bulgaria – whereas Romania suffered an Atlanticist coup with the ousting of the man who won by a clear majority, Călin Georgescu. The ousting was done by the courts, who annulled the election on dubious charges of foreign interference. There was interference – from Brussels. It has left a sour taste in Romania. Washington wants a very large NATO base built in Romania, the biggest in Europe, which would give them the access to the Black Sea they so desire. In other news, Giorgia Meloni stepped down as the head of the ECR, ostensibly so she could devote full time to Italian politics. Former Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki is expected to take over from her.
  • Indonesia became a full BRICS member. This was a major geopolitical shift. Now we have BRIIICS+, the three ‘I’s being India, Iran and Indonesia.

The California wildfires, which have struck and decimated some of the wealthiest US neighborhoods, started on 7 Jan in Pacific Palisades. It was a fire that was not unnecessary, nor was it necessary. It was one that was instead bound to happen. The chart for the start of the fire is one that shows great destruction. Authorities were forewarned of the dangers days before. Thus far we are looking at $150 billion in damage there, 10 people dead and over 10,000 structures destroyed or damaged as of 10 Jan. We have to pause here and extend this point a bit and treat it as a separate topic. For all the billions paid out to Israel and Ukraine, not to mention other adventures abroad, Californians who lost their homes to the fires will get a little over $700 in ‘relief’ – the same as the North Carolinians.

California has been cited as the heart chakra/center of the United States.[14] The causes for these fires are many: billionaire ownership of 57% of California’s underground water storage (diverted for use by BIG AG), terraforming over a century by oligarchs and real estate investors, firefighting services with budget cuts since the start of this century, firefighting equipment being sent to Ukraine, local government mismanagement (water reservoirs remaining dry), arson, drought, hurricane-force Santa Ana winds (not unknown there, and not the strongest)…have I missed anything here? These fires can be seen as symbolic of the decline of America due to capital and finance. Parts of Los Angeles county look like Gaza now. Yet Gaza gets scant mention in American media, nor here in Europe either. That is by design, because if we were to see those images, the brutality by the regime in Tel Aviv and burning hospitals there, that war would have ended long ago. Yes, it needs to be said, and there is a connection between LA and Gaza, as in where is America’s heart when it comes to the genocide in Gaza? Are we perhaps getting a graphic demonstration on our own soil of what Gaza has been experiencing? And Hollywood, based in LA, has long been a propaganda tool for Washington. There is a documentary on it. Our perceptions of world events are heavily filtered through the media.

Photos: The Palisades Fire Scorches Parts of Los Angeles - The Atlantic Many comments cite political reasons for the fires, as in Democrats being responsible, which is disingenuous as well as irresponsible. Lest we forget, aid wasn’t rushed to New Orleans after Katrina, which happened under “W”’s Republican administration. No, it is far more necessary to send aid abroad in support of American adventurism (a.k.a. wars) abroad. In 2005 it was to bolster the failing Iraq conquest and the surge to come a year later. This time it is Israel and Ukraine who ‘need’ our help. American citizens might get a small handout after disasters like we saw in western North Carolina. Then there was a fire in the Bronx that displaced 100 families (lower income, of course) in an apartment block that was managed by a notorious slumlord, one Ved Parkash Parkash is Indian-American. Insurance companies had cancelled fire insurance for thousands of homes in LA County. (Read about the FIRE sector in the US.) Now we know why. California was constructed and is still run by oligarchs. Real estate and Big Ag are kings in California. People can think what they like, but among the main causes for the devastation we see in LA is because houses were built where they never should have been built, along with the hurricane-force winds. Australians might have an idea about that. And there is quite a lot of misinformed comment about the lack of water to fight the fires (the linked video explains quite a bit). Then there are the broken dreams resulting from the fires. One of the areas hardest hit was the Hollywood Hills, where many people have landed over the years hoping for their big break in LA and Hollywood. Compare all this to the next event and point…

  • A powerful earthquake (Mag. 7.1) struck a remote region of Tibet near Shigatse, killing 126, with 188 injured and 3,600 homes destroyed. Shigatse is the seat of the Panchen Lama, or was. The Chinese rushed the army, 3,400 rescue personnel and hundreds of medical workers to the region, all within 30 minutes of the quake being registered. China is a collective society and they place people ahead of money. In the West the response times to disasters vary, according to who will be footing the bill. And just to drive a point home: “At heart, this is about all unity vs division. In China, disasters are always taken as occasions for displaying and reinforcing social cohesion: “We collectively face this issue, we’ll mass mobilize to overcome it, we the people acting as one can tackle any challenge.” That is their attitude, the difference between collective and individualistic societies, which flies in the face of the very negative propaganda we hear about China. That is changing, though. People in the US are starting to see through it. Soft power, Chinese propaganda, or people genuinely questioning Washington narrative – you can decide.
  • Project Zebra: Roosevelt and Stalin's Top-Secret Mission to Train 300 Soviet Airmen in America (Hidden Stories of World War II): Crisci, M.G.: 9781456641924: Amazon.com: Books Speaking of fratellenza (from the lede quote) there is a piece of disappointing news from my home state of North Carolina, where the Russian embassy in the US was denied permission to attend a commemoration ceremony for Red Army pilots who were killed in Elizabeth City, NC during the top secret Zebra Project during WWII. There have been many instances of cooperation between the US and Russia. Keep in mind it is the American elites who want to perpetuate the folly of enmity with Russia. Russia and the US are both seeking to express Aquarian souls, Aquarius being the sign expressing universal brotherhood. Given the chance, exchanges between the two nations would promote and perpetuate a peaceful world. Therein lies the problem: It the US who insist on the enmity. The US wants to erase any mention of cooperation between the US and Soviet Russia during that war. There is a book about the Zebra project.
  • Russia and Iran have signed a mutual security agreement. It is important for several reasons, but too much upon which to enlarge here. Essentially, though, it gives Russian protection and greater security to Iran from an attack by the US-Israeli axis. It also protects the INSTC transport corridor and the western flank of the emerging BRIIICS+ bloc.
  • Congress has banned TikTok, coming into effect the night before the inauguration – which is coming back to haunt them, with an immediate backlash. Just to spite the US government’s ban on TikTok, Americans are flocking to a Chinese social media app, Xiao Hong Shu (Little Red Book/Rednote). The Israel lobby may have blocked views of Israeli atrocities in Gaza (for now) by banning TikTok (which I hear is now reinstated), but instead hundreds of thousands of Americans are seeing China and the Chinese as they are for the first time – as a kind people (like everyday Americans, I would add), prosperous, well-educated and in a fair society, as a Canadian recently recounted. I haven’t signed on (yet), as I have known all this for a while.
  • A ceasefire – however temporary – has just been enacted between Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza. That is covered in depth as a separate topic below. It was enacted at 11:15 Gaza time (chart). Just looking at the chart, the ceasefire will not last. There are ulterior motives.
  • Max Blumenthal and Sam Husseini confronted Anthony Blinken in Blinken’s swan song, his last media presser as Secretary of State. It was a sight to behold. Blinken got what he deserved as an apologist for the genocide. As Max stated in the interview (linked) no one in the White House or State Department ever gets called to account for their crimes. For Max, as a non-Zionist Jew, his comments were personal. The event also highlighted (and more to the point) the compliance of the US media with the US State Department. They were shown up as stenographers instead of as journalists.
  • Nigeria became a BRIIICS+ member. This, like Indonesia, is a major step forward for the bloc. Nigeria is an OPEC member, with the 11th-largest oil reserves in the world.

From here we move on to a deeper look at a few topics, important as a preparatory stage for the three major spiritual festivals for this year – Aries, Taurus and Gemini.

Ukraine update: In the independent media sphere it is now widely known Ukraine is on the verge of collapse and has lost the war. Even the Western media is now forced to admit the same. The Russians are moving steadily and with increasing pace across the Donbas toward the Dnieper River, meeting little if any resistance. Key logistics hubs and defensive positions are being abandoned by the Ukrainians. Desertion rates are high, conscription rates are at rock bottom, alcoholism in the Ukrainian ranks is rife. There is high pressure from the West (including Trump) on Zelenskyy and Co. to lower the draft age to 18 from its current 25. As crass as it sounds, there is not enough meat to throw into the Russian grinder, as many commentators refer to the process of conscription in Ukraine. The war cannot continue with the current uptake of new troops. The Western powers do not care in the least how many Ukrainians die or are maimed in this senseless war, anyway. “Let the Slavs kill themselves” is the attitude.

The Ukrainian public is solidly against lowering the draft age. Morale in the nation is quite low and the people are actively resisting being dragooned into the military. Mothers are taking their sons and trying to smuggle them out of the country. But to people like Lindsey Graham this is all a ‘good investment’. The Washington establishment is calling this war a ‘great success’. And they appear to actually believe it – or they are gaslighting us – or both. In either case they make our leadership appear like a ship of fools, because the world majority knows the truth. Well, if hobbling Europe was Washington’s aim, then indeed the war has been a great success for the US, which makes European leadership look even more foolish. The war has actually helped Russia. America fights its wars these days by proxy because it can no longer field a proper army. Americans returning home in coffins means bad press and politicians not being re-elected. America’s record of ‘wins’ in wars is not exactly enviable.

Russia Snatches Ukraine's BILLION-DOLLAR Lithium Deposits One of the big reasons why the US wanted Ukraine and the Russians expelled from eastern Ukraine was about the riches that lay beneath Ukrainian soil – riches which the Russians now control. We are talking about rare earth elements, carbon and lithium in particular, mentioned in the Scorpio letter (Topic: “Why Ukraine?”).The largest lithium deposits in Europe fell under Russian control with the fall of Shevchenko in the Donetsk region in the past couple of weeks. That city was also a significant logistics hub. And now the largest coal mine in Ukraine has fallen to the Russians, along with the largest steel plant. Coal and steel are essential for industry – and warfare. Iron is ruled by Mars. The Russians are moving rather swiftly in the region now that the major fortified hubs have almost all been overrun, evidence the Ukrainian military is on the verge of total collapse. Even the neocons are having to admit their cause is lost, as recently bitterly recounted by Robert Kagan (husband of Victoria ‘Cookies’ Nuland), one of the founders for the ISW (Institute for the Study of War). Gone is the talk by Trump of ending the war in 24 hours. Now it has been pushed back to six months (at least). We will see what he has in mind when he enters office.

There was recently another interview (in French) with the French historian Emmanuel Todd, said to be one of the very few French analysts who really understands the trajectory of the West. He made a statement about what will eventuate in Ukraine this year, which will lead us later into our consideration of the incoming Trump administration. Regarding Trump, the US and the West, Todd had this to say:

“He [Trump] will go down in history as the president of the defeat of the United States. So, Trump’s job will be to manage the defeat of the United States against Russia. We don’t see it yet, but that’s what we will experience in the year.”

And once that defeat is finally done and negotiations take place for reshaping the European security architecture, what might we expect? Firstly, we can expect absolute denial of the result in the West. And once the Ukrainians no longer have to go to war and they stop and look at what has been done to their country, what they have lost of it, with the massive graveyards and broken families, and then recalling the words of the Western powers regarding their alleged support of Ukraine, we can probably expect Ukrainians to be very angry at us – and rightly so – with a strong upwelling of anti-Western sentiment and a turn to the East. That turn will be more toward China than to Russia, understandably. But at the same time Eastern Europeans aside from those bordering Russia want rapprochement with Russia, East Germans included.

Sahra Wagenknecht und Alice Weidel – ihre Ähnlichkeiten, ihre Unterschiede Alice Weidel (AfD) and Sahra Wagenknecht (of her namesake coalition BSW) both favour restarting the Nord Stream pipelines if elected, perhaps a reason why the Ukrainians tried to bomb the TurkStream pipelines – most likely ordered to do so at the behest of the Americans – in order to completely cripple Europe’s energy supplies, at least from Russia. Washington wants absolutely no competitors. That is also why Washington is trying so hard to sanction Russia’s shadow fleet (the Russian commercial fleet, of which they have 600 tankers), which will in fact be a hard ask. There are always workarounds. Imposing sanctions is one thing, but enforcing them on the open seas is quite another. Trump will not be able to end the war in Ukraine. The only way that would happen is if he ordered a complete stop to money and weapons going to that disaster of a regime. He would then find himself at odds with the backers of this war (powerful interests indeed) and members of Congress who have capitalized on the war and extracted funding for their campaigns from it. So, we wait and see. There is little more we can say about it until Trump assumes office and we watch his actions. But since Europe is mentioned here, we will take a quick look at that.

Paris and Brussels: One of the great values for Europeans with the COVID pandemic and the war in Ukraine has been to open the eyes of Europeans to the perfidy of Washington and Brussels. Corruption in the highest quarters of the EU runs deep. Since the EU parliamentary elections, right wing parties have won enough seats in the EU Parliament to be able to control agendas. But the parliament does not set policy. The EU Commission does, and those policies are set behind closed doors. The Commission head (Von der Leyen) was installed, as in being unelected. The EU has shown itself to be undemocratic, with states having only very limited sovereignty. In Eastern Europe we see the beginnings of revolts against the system. But the key to how fast the EU collapses (as analysts seem to believe it will) depends upon the war in Ukraine. And NATO is the key to the EU as well. NATO – basically Washington’s tool for controlling Europe – is under threat now with the looming Russian victory. With Mark Rutte calling for each EU state to spend 5% of GDP on defence (meaning US-made weapons), that will be a bridge too far for the peoples of Europe. As it stands, Russia is fighting NATO instead of Ukraine. With the fall of Ukraine Washington’s most powerful and largest military in Europe will have been defeated. Russia already produces three times as much weaponry each year than the entirety of NATO combined. In all this we see the 500-year dominance of the Western powers coming to an end, in the timing of the cycles. Paris and Brussels have been pushing this war all along. We see their crystallized thinking and institutions beginning to come undone. That brings us to Washington’s other proxy, the one in West Asia.

West Asia update: Washington is very active in West Asia now, as well as in Europe. The aim is for total dominance over the oil and gas reserves of the region. The US is in the process of building what they call a massive ‘embassy’ in Lebanon, one that will house around 5,000 people. That is NOT an embassy (must see video). It is more in line with an aircraft carrier, which also houses 5,000 people. It is in reality a security complex for the region, which shows us the extent to which Washington is planning ahead for the region. It will be the 2nd-largest embassy in the world, after the one in Baghdad, Iraq. The latter is there for military affairs in West Asia. With Trump’s devotion to the Zionist cause the Israelis think their hour has arrived, that salvation has come. With Syria now in the clutches of the HTS mob the situation in the region is about to become more interesting. There are rumblings – rumors of war – about Israel seeking to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities now that Syria has fallen. But all the Arab states are equally at risk going into the future, especially Lebanon, Egypt and Jordan. We will save those for the future, but it might help to have a quick look at Syria.

Revivals in Syria: There are two groups who will reconstitute and vie for power eventually in what was once Syria – ISIS/Daesh and The Resistance. And then there are the Kurds. However, there are some factors about which we should know, having recently come to light for the public. There are pogroms going on in Syria now, particularly against Alawites, Christians and Shia Muslims, especially soldiers of the SAA who remained in Syria after the fall. To put it otherwise, the old Syria is being ethnically cleansed by the new ‘management’ – HTS. The HTS members are all Sunni Muslim, and largely Salafist. There are death squads in Syria among the HTS terrorists. The aim appears to be to crush the possibility of any organized resistance arising there. However there are already large protests in the major cities against oppression, with marshal law having been declared in several cities. This was actually to be expected. Syria is a very complex society, and for all of its faults before the fall, it was a multicultural state. That brings us to Gaza.

Palestinians celebrate Gaza ceasefire The Gaza ‘ceasefire’: To much jubilation or handwringing, depending on one’s persuasion, a ceasefire hostage deal in Gaza has been reached, which has actually happened, the day before Trump’s inauguration. There are many reasons to be highly sceptical of this deal, for reasons to follow. But should we not be happy a deal has been reached? Of course, we should. But we should probably not be celebrating. Instead, cautious optimism is probably more in order. Recall that this is a deal that could have happened any time over the last 15 months – 15 months of murderous brutality. And the Biden administration did nothing to stop it. It was like, “We are working tirelessly to secure a deal. Here’s a few more bombs.” And now with Trump about to be sworn in, there is suddenly a deal – and with the make-up of Trump’s cabinet? Well, we perhaps have good reason to doubt that this is anything other than a repositioning of forces and a pause in hostilities. This deal is about optics, not peace. Recall the Lebanon ‘ceasefire’ which has been violated by Israel since the very first day, with violations still ongoing. Like Washington, the Israelis are not agreement-capable. So, let’s begin to parse this.

Trump supporters are crowing that Trump has secured the deal and that he will be good to his word on ending wars across the world. If we recall, the IOF pulled out of Gaza at the end of Operation Cast Lead in 2009 – a day before Obama was inaugurated. Perhaps there was a strange coincidence with the present ceasefire deal, or perhaps the Israelis were hopeful then Obama would fully support Israel. They wound up hating Obama, even though he turned a blind eye to the IOF atrocities. Of course, Trump is claiming a win for his administration. So are Biden and the top Democrats doing likewise in hopes of securing a more positive legacy. Comments on ‘X’ under Democrats taking a victory round are scathing of the Democrats, though. What we are seeing now across mainstream and social media is yet another example of Wizner’s Mighty Wurlitzer – spin, in other words. Trump can no more claim victory here than Biden or any other Washington establishment figure. What we are seeing instead with this ceasefire is an adjustment to strategy on the part of the Zionist axis – Washington and Israel. But the fact the ceasefire was brought about before Trump’s inauguration brings up a question or argument about who controls what between the US and Israel:

Who is in the driver’s seat?: People are mistaken when they think the Israel lobby controls the US government. This is false, but it is a belief by design. The better question is who controls the Israel lobby? Israel was installed in West Asia to do the bidding of the American oligarchy and banking interests in the US and UK, primarily, in accordance with the ‘clean break’ strategy for the region. This was explained recently by Col. Larry Wilkerson (ret.), who actually saw the memos that outlined that strategy. The plan was authored by Richard Perle, David Wurmser, and Douglas Feith in 1996 – all neocons. What the plan describes, basically, is the bestiality of the crimes we are seeing committed there, and which Washington itself has committed with American forces. Since Oct 7 the EU has been complicit in those crimes as well. It was supposed to be a plan only for Israel, but given their proclivities, the same neocons extended it to the whole of NATO operations. There is a book that describes the plan and its consequences in some detail. But what is the real purpose? This was described by Michael Hudson in the article cited previously:

“This whole fighting that you’re seeing in Israel now, that on the surface seems to be a fight to purify the Israeli state from the non-Jewish population, is part of the American attempt to really conquer the whole Near East and its oil production. To America, the Near East [West Asia] is important because American domination of the world economy for the last hundred years has rested upon its control of oil, along with British Petroleum and the French oil companies. The United States has used oil as controlling energy, and by controlling energy and its pricing, controlling industrial productivity and GDP. GDP, labor productivity, industry, is all a function of energy.”

Uncle Sam – mackaycartoons This is why we hear that all groups openly opposing the Zionist state are called ‘Iran-backed’. The Zionist cause (leading to the creation of Israel) was weaponized among Christians in the US by the introduction and promotion of the Scofield Bible, discussed in the Libra letter for this year (topic: “Christian Zionism”). So, in answer to the question as the title of this topic, “who controls who”, Israel or the US, we just had a perfect answer to it: When the President tells Israel to stop, Israel stops. It really is that simple. Biden could have stopped this war from Day One. That tells us the current hostilities in West Asia are part of a larger project to control the region. As Col. Larry Wilkerson describes it, Israel is our ‘attack dog’ in the region. Israel is almost completely dependent upon the United States. The ‘Israel lobby’ controls nothing, ultimately, except for Congress. The lobby is part of the corruption racket that greases the wheels of American politics, at the same time permitting the military-industrial complex to continue on its merry way. So, we come back to this ceasefire hostage deal.

Here are the facts as we know them behind this ceasefire: Trump had to make a deal with Bibi to get this thing done. There were three items: The ban on the deployment of zero-click (must read) is to be lifted. The software goes under the name Pegasus. Zero-click is a nefarious spyware app produced by the Israelis and used by intelligence entities worldwide. Secondly, Trump will support the IOF going back into Gaza after the 42-day first phase is finished. And thirdly, Trump will publicly support the repopulation of the West Bank by Israeli settlers. Jordan should be alarmed, as the West Bank borders Jordan. Trump is beholden to his donors. There is no rift between Trump and Netanyahu. We hear that both Biden and Trump have told Bibi he is free to begin bombing Gaza again as soon as the hostages are freed. And leading up to the deal, Trump’s son-in-law’s (Jared Kushner) Saudi-backed hedge fund doubled its stake in a firm financing illegal West Bank settlements. This is otherwise known as insider trading and nepotism. It also shows us to which side the Saudis lean. There are other reasons for the ceasefire.

Hamas has not been defeated. In fact, Hamas is back to the numbers it had before October 7th of 2023, if not more. Blinken has given the nod to this in his comments. The genocide has been a great recruitment drive for Hamas. Israel faces an ongoing insurgency from now on. Hamas is using the very ample supply of unexploded Israeli/American ordinance dropped on Gaza to make improvised explosive devices (IED), which they are using to great effect on Israeli forces in Gaza. Israeli media has reported a ‘black Saturday’ the past weekend as a result of such IEDs. The IOF used the Lebanon ceasefire to close the border crossings between Lebanon and Syria, knowing the invasion of Syria by HTS was coming. That happened directly after the ceasefire took place. After Syria fell Israel invaded Syria. The Israelis are alarmed that Egypt is massing its military near the Israeli border. The Egyptians are probably wise to do so, given Israeli behaviour. They must know something is up. HTS cells are being activated in Egypt to stir unrest. Egypt is under threat. The IOF will not be withdrawing from the Philadelphi Corridor in the first phase of the ceasefire, or until further notice. The Corridor separates Gaza from the Sinai. Egypt and Jordan are particularly at risk due to the fall of Syria. There are upwards of two hundred tunnels that pass under that corridor which have kept Hamas supplied from Egypt. The Israelis have a great interest in toppling Sisi in Egypt and seeing an end to those tunnels. They also want control of the Suez Canal and the water from the Nile.

Hundreds of Israelis protest against ceasefire which they say is 'surrender' to Hamas The ceasefire plays to domestic politics in the US and Israel. In essence it is not a ceasefire, but is instead a hostage deal. Hostages are being released in stages. The hostages held in Israeli prisons show obvious signs of abuse and neglect, while the hostages held by Hamas are otherwise in good health and spirits. I have seen the videos. Netanyahu needed some kind of positive news regarding the hostages. He also needed to possibly lessen the attacks from Yemen and possibly avoid an attack by Iran (True Promise III), the former which were becoming more accurate, frequent and troublesome. We have not heard how his court case is going, but this will be a public relations ‘win’ for him, while the hard right and settlers are calling it a surrender. The latter are partly correct. Biden wanted to be able to say he won a ceasefire before he left office, while no one seems to believe him, whereas Trump is taking credit for it. If the truth were known, probably Trump will have to wear the fact that Israel will soon enough break the ceasefire and he will be saddled with the genocide once again. For Israel, they find their border is now with Türkiye and they have already had a skirmish with the HTS fighters. The remnants of the Syrian Arab Army claim to have taken control (if only for a few hours) of a Syrian town across from Lebanon. That brings us to our consideration of the state of The Resistance.

The Resistance is not dead: After the fall of Syria many comments across media proclaimed The Resistance was dead or severely weakened. Syria was seen as the lynchpin for the whole of The Resistance (Hamas, Hezbollah, Iraqi militias, Yemen and Iran). As it turns out, such is not the case. But as it stands, the Israelis and especially the think tanks in Washington believe that to be the case. It will likely prove to be their undoing. A recent piece by one Zionist (unnamed) proclaims that Iran now lies wide open and is ripe for the picking, weak and with no air defences. That deluded writer also seems to think Trump and the IOF (Israeli Occupation Forces) will strike Iran in the first weeks of Trump’s term and ‘take out’ the ‘regime’ in Tehran. They might try, but that person obviously did not pay attention to what happened when the IOF tried to strike Iran the last time. The IOF had to turn tail and run because of Iran’s air defences. And as of the 17th of January Russia and Iran have signed their strategic partnership agreement, which includes defence.

The Resistance is not weak. It is in temporary abeyance as the deck chairs are being rearranged on the sinking Empire. Hamas is making a comeback in Gaza. Hezbollah remains, has reconstituted, is rearmed and is ready to take on Israel again. Hezbollah Secretary General Naim Qassem has given his assessment of the situation with Hezbollah since the fall of Syria, saying it remains ready to protect Lebanon. Their supply lines have been restored. Syria is porous and smuggling is a fine art. If someone has enough money they can get anything through Syria to Hezbollah. The interior of Syria is largely unpoliced. There is a rumor also (unverified) that Iran and the Turks have a tacit agreement to supply Hezbollah. The Houthis continue to give the one-finger salute to the Western powers and the Israelis, who seek to subdue them. Yemen is not Syria. Ansarallah are firing missiles into Israel and Israeli-bound ships on a daily basis. They are also firing on American military ships. They are seen as the ‘rock stars’ of The Resistance. They are also revered among the Islamic world. The Houthis and Hamas are currently the only active members of The Resistance. But that could change very quickly. The Resistance could resume firing on Israel at any moment. The only thing that would set aside renewed attacks by The Resistance is a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. How likely would that be, given the Israelis are even worse at sticking to agreements than the folks in Washington? That brings us to Iran, who the Israelis and Americans are keen to see subdued.

Explainer: What Putin wants from Iran and why Tehran might be cautious Iran: All we know about Iran in the West is mostly propaganda if our only sources of information are mainstream media. In fact we get quite a bit wrong about Iran, much to our disadvantage (See also the full interview). There are a few things it would profit us to know. Firstly, there is currently a power struggle going on in Iran since the death of Raisi, the former president of Iran. Most comment in independent media currently assesses Raisi was assassinated instead of being killed in an accident. He was replaced by a moderate Western-leaning president, which aroused the suspicions that Raisi was assassinated. Since Raisi’s death the power struggle in Iran is shown in the 1979 revolution chart by a mutual syzygy of Midheaven/Mars directions, indicating two distinct factions. These were recently outlined in an interview with Pepe Escobar. On the one hand there are comprador elites in the north of Tehran who are Atlanticist and sympathetic to the West. These gained their wealth and influence during the American occupation of Iran (1941 – 1978: see video). They would like to see rapprochement with the West (largely Europe). The Western powers see this group as their hope for regime change. In reality the West does not want regime change. They want the collapse of the Iranian state. Pezeshkian, Zarif and the vice-president represent this group. But they have no control over the military and represent maybe 10% of the Iranian public opinion. The other group is centered around Khamenei and the IRGC, the latter whose sworn purpose is to protect the revolution.

Khamenei and Putin see eye-to-eye on what is needed to protect Iran and thereby the BRIIICS+ economic union, as well as the growing and emerging greater Eurasian Union. Iran and Russia have had their issues in the past, but given tensions since the start of this century they have more or less joined forces as a matter of mutual protection and development. The INSTC transport corridor is one of their major achievements and the West would like to see it collapse. Public opinion in Iran strongly supports Khameini and the IRGC. The West has very little hope of fomenting enough unrest in Iran to topple what they like to call ‘the regime’. And if they try to attack Iran directly they will now have to confront Russia, too. The whole of Iran is solidly against the Zionist state, recognizing also the backing of that state by the ‘regime’ in Washington. What we see in social media regarding Iran for the largest part come from the hundreds of pro-Western Iranian accounts that are funded by the Western powers. Those would like to see the return of the monarchy to Iran, which would be a disaster for the Iranian people, benefitting only the comprador elites in the north of Tehran. When American politicians say they ‘stand with the people of Iran’, they mean they stand with the Iranian elites. Like the Ukrainians and Palestinians, the folks in Washington couldn’t care less about the Iranian people in reality.

In 2003 the Iranians tried to strike a ‘grand bargain’ with the Bush administration that would mean a regional security structure for West Asia. That was the year the Western powers invaded Iraq, which eventually gave rise to the emergence of the Iraqi branch of The Resistance. The Bush administration rejected the Iranian offer out of hand, being flush with their perceived success at American full spectrum dominance in world affairs. There was a document that was passed back and forth between the Americans and Iranians, which the Americans had no interest in really accepting. There are questions as to whether they were ever serious in even entertaining it. Zarif was the negotiator at the time. In a recent speech this year on the anniversary of the Iranian revolution, Khamenei outlined why Iran will never make deals with the Americans again, citing their past hostility toward Iran. This again highlights the power struggle between the elites in Tehran (who think they can negotiate with the US in good faith) and the Islamic Republic. If the Iranians see the Israelis or Western powers readying for a strike on Iran, True Promise III will become a reality. Israel and American bases will be hit, and hard this time. Through a calibrated use of force, Iran may yet see its Grand Bargain for West Asia.

Map of the Arab World | Download Scientific Diagram The Arabs: Looking at the wider region aside from Iran and The Resistance, the Saudis and the UAE are at war with Yemen again, undoubtedly at the behest of Washington, the incoming Trump administration (the timing couldn’t be more apparent, given his cabinet picks) and the Israelis. It appears the Saudis and UAE learned nothing from their war on Yemen before, when Ansarallah (Houthi) missiles started flying into Saudi oil facilities. This is also clearly being done in preparation for actions against Iran. There is much to this, which we can only briefly detail here. The pressure on the Saudis and UAE from Washington must be immense at this point. Now that Syria has collapsed and the Israelis and Washington are flush with the perception of their great victory over Syria, they think they have a clear path to finally ‘dealing’ with Iran. We remember the saying, ‘Be careful what you wish for. You might get it.’ The Arab monarchies are enslaved by the West via their wealth, which is held largely in Western banks and real estate. History will be a harsh judge on the Arabs, at least the Arab elites, who have sided with the genocide. They have been waiting on the side-lines for the return of the Abraham Accords, thinking they would be safe (that their wealth would be safe) from the growing opposition to their Western compliance amongst the people of the Arabic lands. Syria was the sole exception.

The dangers of ‘victory’: Flush with their recent perceived victories in West Asia, the Turks, Israelis and Americans have set about carving up the remains of Syria, with their eyes on future such conquests. The dangers of ‘victory’ have yet to dawn upon them. In fact, many such dangers await the self-crowned ‘victors’, with Americans in particular apparently having yet to learn the lessons of military conquests. Shall we list a few of the dangers? It might help us to understand what will come as this year progresses. Military victories do not bring political influence or enhance long-term goals. They instead produce isolation (Israel is now a pariah state) and opposition, like insurgencies. The primary danger is hubris. Hubris leads to insular thinking, like we see in Washington. It is typical at the end of empires. Israel is an extension of the American Empire. There is still imperial hubris in the UK. We see it also in some of the elites in Türkiye. It was esponged from Russia after their experiences of the 20th century.

Brzezinski, globalism and wokism: As a point of interest before looking at what is to follow, one might wonder where the ‘woke’ agenda originated. The Trump White House is symbolic of a move away from that agenda, as well as the emerging turmoil in European politics. As it turns out, globalization, technocratic control of the world and identitarian politics began in earnest in 1975, 50 years ago. That 50-year cycle falling on the 25th and 75th year of every century will ring a bell to anyone who has studied the subjective (ray) cycles. The man who championed that aforementioned agenda was one Zbig Brzezinski, National Security Advisor for the Carter White House, who was also the author of the Washington policies that have proven so disastrous for the US in Europe and Asia. What happened in 1975 was put forward in a paper by the Trilateral Commission, based in his books, called The Crisis of Democracy:

“The Carter era saw a major inflection point with Brzezinski’s invention of weaponised identitarian conflict, and his espousal of the same identitarian tools – as applied more widely – in order to bring western societies under the control of a technocratic élite “[practicing] continuous surveillance over every citizen … [together with élite] manipulation of the behaviour and intellectual functioning of all people …”.

Brzezinski’s seminal books, in short, advocated a managed cosmopolitan identitarian sphere, that would swap out communal culture – i.e. national values. It is in the hostile reaction to this technocratic ‘control’ vision that we can root today’s trouble breaking out everywhere, on all global fronts.

Put plainly, current events are in many ways a replay of the turbulent 1970s. Today’s march toward anti-democratic norms began with the Trilateral Commission’s seminal The Crisis of Democracy (1975) – the fore-runner to WEF (‘Davos’) and Bilderberg – with, (in Brzezinski’s words), international banks and multinational corporations being crowned as the principal creative force in the place of the “the nation-state as the fundamental unit of man’s organised life”.

Western liberalism-Hist of pernicious ideas-Wokism George Soros was one of the funders of said agenda. In other words, globalization and wokism are products of Washington think tanks and the US security state. It is entirely in line with and a product of the Geminian divide-and-conquer nature of the US Gemini personality. (see link at endnote 11) It shares that Geminian tendency with the UK and Brussels. The fact the EU power base is centered in Brussels is due to the magnetic pull of the Gemini nature of Belgium (personality) and Brussels (soul) and the US. The US was deeply involved in the formation of the European Union. As mentioned previously, the Capricorn nature of the personality of Brussels gives a clue as to why the EU is beginning to fracture. It is worth noting also that Poland shares that Gemini personality with the states just mentioned. Poland has long been a divisive factor in European and now NATO politics. The situation for Europe is not looking good. The problem was recently described by Michael Hudson, economist:

“…at what point will the European government act in the interest of its population? Well, you’re already seeing the European population rejecting the European government, because the European government turns out to be NATO. It doesn’t turn out to be acting in the interests of Germany or France or other European countries, but in the interest of NATO that’s controlled by, basically, an arm of the [US] State Department. And the question is, how can you bring democracy to Europe? It hasn’t really been democratic in the sense of the United States meddling since World War II. For 80 years, the United States has been financing the political right wing…The United States has said, we’re going to treat Western Europe in the same way we treated Chile under Allende. If Europe votes for somebody like Allende, we’re going to put in a European Pinochet and a man like Macron, who’s completely anti-labor and doesn’t represent his constituency, or leaders like Angelina Baerbock, the Green leader in Germany, pro-military leader Olaf Scholz, the Christian Democrat leader. They’re going to put in leaders who reflect the U.S. neoliberal doctrine.”

They are technocrats, one and all, with Von der Leyen as the head US puppet. This is what the European public is beginning to rise against. Of course, the idea of a technocratic state goes back a long way. But it was made US policy and weaponized across the West, first in the US, then throughout Europe via the EU. For those of us in the West who have lived long enough we have watched this being slowly rolled out over time, accelerated in the ‘90s and ‘turbocharged’ this century. The EU was a product of that policy, which is why we see Brussels’ attempts to double down on centralized leadership. The Euro currency was part of that, too. Well, it is time for a new dispensation – esoterically and worldly – and we see the cracks already starting to widen in Europe against the Trilateral Commission’s policy, with the end of the war in Ukraine sounding the death knell for the policy over the next years. That collapse of the EU/NATO combo could happen quickly or not. But it is clear it is on its way out. No European nation is going to accept spending 5% of its GDP on ‘defence’, unless maybe we are looking at the Baltics. The EU has been a suzerain of the US. That is about to change. And that brings us to Trump v 2.0.

Who's who at Donald Trump's inauguration? | US News | Sky News The incoming administration: We recall from our look at the full moon, above, that this administration will have Mars square Eris as a feature. It will also feature a Sun/Pluto conjunction on the Midheaven opposite Mars. The chart (12:02 pm EST, for astrologers) is quite descriptive of what we will see as Trump’s term in office progresses – warring factions. There is much to the chart, which I will have to handle in a separate post early next month (Chinese New Year is nigh). We will eventually see a battle emerge between the oligarch technocrat libertarians (represented by the Sun/Pluto conjunction and the likes of Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy), and the military-industrial-congressional complex, represented by Mars. And there will be many players behind the scenes stirring the pot. Mars is the stronger planet by aspect and being out-of-bounds, but weak by essential dignity and being retrograde. The Sun (Trump) receives only one helpful aspect, but is bolstered by Pluto.

With both the Sun and Pluto in Aquarius (the soul expression of the US) the nation’s soul will be invoked, with obstacles for its expression being removed. We must be clear about what that means, though: The Sun/Pluto opposite Mars points to light breaking through, whether through revealing America’s past or through various failures in policy, and probably a combination of both. Aside from conflicts, the chart also reveals the deflation of ego (imperial hubris in this case) that comes from the realization of one’s true place in the world. If this turns out to be the case, then this Trump administration will lead to ‘the suffering that leads to enlightenment and peace’. This gives us a very brief thumbnail sketch. This administration marks the end of an era for the US as a whole. The chart represents a turning point for the American people, and that can mean a great many things, for good and/or ill. We have seen this type of internal battle once before, and of interest, 50 years ago.

Most Americans do not know that Richard Nixon was ousted in a soft coup because he wanted to cut military spending and he actively opposed the military-intelligence factions in Washington. He wasn’t the crook he was painted to be in the American press. He ended the war in Vietnam and introduced many policies popular with the American public (the Clean Water Act, for instance). Nixon’s ouster came on the heels of the opening of China, the end of the Vietnam War, the floating of the US dollar as a fiat currency (going off the gold standard – the ‘Nixon Shock’) and the founding of the petro-dollar. It was a very heady time in American politics and we are seeing the effects of it now, with China overtaking the US in PPP economy, the weakening of the dollar, a very much weakened US military, the Saudis now sitting on the fence with BRIIICS+, and finally with Israel having been exposed as an emperor with no clothes. It must be clear to everyone now that Israel is an extension of US policy, because without the US Israel would simply dissolve. Trump is in office to bring about the end of Israel as a viable concern, whether he knows it or not. We will see why as the months progress. Remember, at the start of the genocide on October of 2023 the Iranians came out and stated they would not allow Hezbollah to fall. Hezbollah said the same about Hamas. The two groups still stand. Iran has yet to act. The implication here is that if this administration unleashes Israel to use any means to end Hamas and Hezbollah or to attack Iran…well, I will leave that to people’s imaginations.

The war in Ukraine will end in Trump’s term in office, but there will be heavy pressure to continue the wars currently underway. The revolving door between Congress and the military-industrial complex depends upon war to survive. There will also be pressure to attack Iran, as there are many Iran hawks associated with this administration. The main foreign policy areas will focus on West Asia as a necessity, China (hoping to curtail its rise), South and Latin America (allegedly to ‘counter communism’, but instead about resources), Europe (killing it completely as a competitor and making certain it is suzerain) , BRIIICS+ (even more imperative than China) and territorial expansion (see below). Domestically the focus will be on preserving the US-led neoliberal order, greater surveillance, restarting American industry (a generational task), immigration (this is about optics and the Democrats) and ending wokism (ending DEI, but needed). For anyone who has paid attention, what we see in the foreign policy is a continuation of US imperialism, although with a different face. That indicates this administration, instead of ending the Deep State, will only continue its policies, though on a different but parallel stream. And what has been mentioned here is only a sampling of the story. This administration will do some good things, but it is essentially ‘the other cheek of the same backside’. Speaking of expansion of territories, let’s have a look.

The 51st State: Canada's Long Shadow and the Joke of Sovereignty O Canada!: “Our home and native land! True patriot love in all of us command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, the True North strong and free!”[15] If Trump ever wanted to arouse those patriotic sentiments again in Canadians he couldn’t have done better than talking about annexing Canada and making it the 51st (or perhaps 52nd or 53rd) state of the US. Trump’s talk of annexing Canada, Greenland and Panama (because it wouldn’t just be the canal) betrays the current state of American weakness. The reason for his statements were described by Alastair Crooke, cited in the Sagittarius letter, just before the topic “Biological research (?)”. Why would Trump’s statements be a reflection of American weakness? It is because the neoliberal financial system, championed and headed by the US, is at its use-by date and is beginning to collapse. A fresh infusion of resources is needed to prop up the system of financial derivatives that is the beating heart of that system. The reason Canada and Greenland are mentioned is because of their vast and largely untapped resources (oil in Canada especially. Trump has oil on the brain.) and their proximity to the US, as well as their strategic position on the Arctic Ocean. All this goes to a point I have made to colleagues relating to Trump being a ‘plant’ – an extension of the so-called ‘Deep State’ in the US, if even unwittingly, which is possible.

What is it precisely that the Establishment (Deep State) in Washington wants? Primarily they want control over the world’s resources, which also relates to control of trade routes. That control also rests in the control of financial transfers and sanctions, relying on the SWIFT system of international transfers and the strength of the US dollar as the present world reserve currency. In Trump’s case he is echoing the desire by Washington to confront Russia in the Arctic by disrupting the Northern Sea Route that is rapidly developing and already operational – one which completely bypasses the Suez Canal and dramatically cuts transit times for freight. The US and Canada have their Northwest Passage, which has only become a viable concern in this century. The latter would require an icebreaker fleet, which the West lacks in great numbers. The Russians, on the other hand, have a large and growing fleet of icebreakers, all gradually being replaced with nuclear-powered versions. The point here is the race is on for the implementation of arctic sea routes and control of the same. This last point is a major concern for Washington and a big reason why there is talk about annexing Canada and Greenland.

Control of sea routes is also the main reason we hear the current rhetoric from Trump about Panama. With these points in mind, our Canadian friends should be aware of what is really at play here. Washington is deadly serious, though it is highly doubtful that the US would ever try to move on Canada. I doubt most Canadians want to become American idiots, recalling a song. It is probably enough to mention here that both Americans and Canadians see through the rhetoric as being in the nature of fantasy and distraction from Trump’s comments on tariffs, as typical Trump stirring the pot before taking office. Tariffs, though, are in reality a form of attack on a sovereign nation. Keep in mind a trade war – a war by other means – may develop between the US and Canada. And what of Panama?

Panama: There is an interesting, if troubled history behind Panama. We are told that Panama declared its independence from Columbia in 1903. In fact, Panama was stolen from Columbia in that year by the US, resulting in one of the most ridiculous treaties ever signed by the United States. Panama never declared independence from Columbia. It was all a ruse and fabrication so Teddy Roosevelt could have his canal through the Isthmus of Panama. The US has long considered Panama to be de facto American territory, giving lip service to Panamanian independence. The Canal Zone was finally ceded to the Panamanian government as late as 1999. However, corruption has been the name of the game in Panamanian governance since its 1903 ‘independence’. Over the years Panama became a major hub for drug trafficking to the US from Colombia to finance CIA black ops. When Noriega (remember him?) started to buck the Americans (Noriega was a CIA and intelligence operative for the US), H.W, Bush ordered Panama to be ransacked in 1989. It wasn’t to remove an ‘evil dictator’, but instead to destroy any evidence of Bush’s involvement in CIA covert activities, which were on the nose with the American public at the time. So, when Trump talks about how the Chinese are controlling the canal and knowing what we do of Panamanian history, we have to wonder about what is really afoot with Trump’s comments.

The Chinese do have two commercial installations at ports at each end of the canal, which it rents from Panama. Most of Trump’s claims about Panama are false. Trump does have a loose association with the truth. China has no control over the canal, and ships are charged according to their size instead of nationality. There is an excellent series of short videos (10 – 15 mins) on YouTube called “Tales of the American Empire” that looks at many of the events that have shaped the American version of Empire and which continue to this day. The videos are also uploaded to Odysee. They are available on Rumble, too, uploaded by other sites. The videos are produced by an American ex-Marine. Two of his videos are linked in this topic. In summary, Trump’s talk about Panama is revisiting the Monroe Doctrine, which forcefully excludes any foreign interference in Central and South America, which Washington considers to be its ‘back yard’. Of course, the US is free (it thinks) to interfere in South America all it likes and has done so for over a century, a recent example being that of Argentina, where an American puppet (Milei) recently won the election there. He is once again applying Chicago School economics, a.k.a. ‘economic shock therapy’. Argentinians are struggling, except for a very few. As it stands of today, his policies have produced a poverty rate of 53% in Argentina. Argentina is starting to look like the Russian Federation of the 1990s, where the same measures were applied. But we were talking about Trump’s imperial projects here.

Pituffik SB, Greenland Greenland? Really?: Donald Trump (still) wants to buy Greenland from the Danes. So the story goes. But the US has tried this gambit before, as a point of interest. In fact, they have been more actively looking at bringing Greenland into the American orbit since 2004. Even before that, then-President Harry Truman tried to buy Greenland in 1946 for $100,000,000 in what was a very secret attempt at a deal. That would equate to just over $1.6 billion in today’s money. It was at the very dawn of the Cold War. The Danes rejected the idea then, as they did with Trump in 2019. Yes, Trump has already tried this before, but the Deal-Meister failed then, as did the US in 1946. His feelings were hurt when the Danes rejected his overtures. However, the result in 1946 was not a total wash-out. There was a workaround – NATO membership via Denmark, Project Iceworm (cancelled in the ‘60s) and the Thule Monitor. There are still bits of a B28 American nuke unaccounted for (the hemispherical nuclear components, or ‘chrome domes’) in Greenland after the crash of a B52 Stratofortress there in 1968. It is all an intriguing bit of history. But it also highlights why the Danes have been reluctant for any American influence in Greenland. That brings us to today. To put the matter simply, Greenlanders do not want to be ‘owned’ by the United States or to sell their land from under their feet. However, deals for mutual benefit can be made.

Why is Trump dusting off this old plan once again? Well, he isn’t, really. This has been part of an old plan for a long time, and he is being prodded to roll this out again. This time it has to do with resources and shipping. It would be a grand ‘North American Union’, centralizing power in Washington. It is part of a globalist agenda. And Michael Waltz has just stated as much in a recent interview on Fox News. Congress has just introduced a bill called the ‘Make Greenland Great Again Act’. That’s not a joke. The American oligarchs are dead serious about this. Make no mistake: This move is about propping up America’s flagging economy. They want the resources. They have to real interest in the people of Greenland. Speaking of resources, we are reminded of the ongoing misery in Ukraine. Trump has sent Donald Jr. to Greenland to suss out the prevailing attitudes there. We hear of glowing support for America in the population of Greenland, all 56,000+ of them, but that could all be fluff and Trump-style rhetoric, and likely is. From what I have read the Greendlanders are rather more independent and they still have memories of being run off their land by the Americans when the American military base was founded in the far north of the island.

Washington and Capricorn: In just a brief note, we have looked at the natal Sun/Saturn square in the US national chart that points to the hubris and Machiavellian nature of Washington and Wall Street (the two are actually a kind of single entity). That aspect, given the rulership of Saturn over Capricorn, points to what is now in process of breaking down, That square could be called the ‘Capricornian square’. It is something for us to ponder as the months ahead unfold. Trump is not going to save America. Americans will save America, the same as Europeans will do for Europe. The East and the Global South, as the latter is called, are well on their way to health.

In conclusion: The nations in Alice Bailey’s The Destiny of the Nations that exhibit Capricorn traits in their national personalities have formed a sort of prophecy for the new cycle unfolding before us. It is a case of ‘out with the old, in with the new’ dynamic. The old forms must break and fall away if the new light is to emerge. All that remains of Western power, as we have seen in this century thus far, is based in fantasy. The soft power over the minds of the Western public relies on being able to convince people of pre-eminence of the West and its values. There was no clarity going into the war in Ukraine. The Western elites took us into that war based in false assumptions. Nor is there a reality of Israeli power in West Asia. The latter’s power is extant only because of the United States, and to a lesser extent Europe. But the world has moved on and humanity has turned a corner. The old neoliberal system is dying on the vine, unable to sustain its public. Anglo-American-style capitalism (market capitalism) has been supplanted by the mixed economies of the BRIIICS+ bloc. This is due in part to a reaction against the Western hybrid warfare of sanctions and tariffs, IMF and World Bank policies. And on the other side, people across the world are coming to the conclusion that ‘win-win’ cooperation and financial sovereignty is actually a pretty good idea. It is a more Aquarian idea and mode of operating. The ideals of the Piscean age are no longer suitable to the task of world governments.

We will see much in the way of chaos in the remainder of this decade. But the momentum toward a more equitable and cooperative world is now unstoppable. This feature of cooperation and treating people equitably is a prerequisite for the return of the world Teacher. It matters not what that great Being is called. What matters is that the collective note of the soul of humanity is sounding out, and that light is breaking through. The old will die out. Of that we are certain. What the emerging world will be is anyone’s guess. All we need to do is to make certain the note of our own soul rings out into the chaos. There is nothing to fear. Let us go forward in good faith. Let the cycles do their work. Much as the Sun rises and sets, so the Light increases and leads us out of darkness.

Capricorn blessings,
20 Jan 2025

These letters are sent as a service and blessing. If you wish to be added to or deleted from the mailing list let me know. Feel free to pass them on, but do so without charge of alteration.

Picture credits:
Goat on mountainside: Freepik
La Befana: Eataly
Goat on mountaintop: StockCake
Jewish population in Europe 1933: MapPorn
Apple of Discord: Peter Paul Rubens (1636), The Judgement of Paris
Ukraine and gas: csmonitor
LA fires: The Atlantic
Book cover: Amazon
Shock over lithium deposits: YouTube
Wagenknecht and Weidel: RND
Celebrating Palestinians: Anadolu Ajansi
Dragging Bibi: Mackay Cartoons
Divided Israelis: YouTube
Putin and Khameini: Alarabiya
The Arab world: ResearchGate
Wokism: LinkedIn
Inauguration: Sky News
Canada 51st state: LinkedIn
Trump/Panama: USA Today
Space base: Peterson Schriever
  1. Spoken at the end of the Capo D’anno (‘head’ of the year) concert in Vienna.
  2. Bailey, Alice A., Esoteric Astrology (1951) New York, Lucis Publishing, New York, NY, p. 102
  3. Cancer is the doorway into material existence. Capricorn is the doorway into the Kingdom of Souls (Esoteric Astrology, p. 168)
  4. P. 158
  5. EA p. 68
  6. Ibid, p. 178
  7. Ibid, p. 165
  8. Ibid, p. 164
  9. The Bible: Matthew 19: 16 – 22
  10. Ibid, p.169
  11. The Destiny of the Nations, p. 69 See also https://development.malvinartley.com/2022/02/08/excerpts-from-the-destiny-of-the-nations/
  12. EP II, p.196
  13. https://www.theoi.com/Daimon/Eris.html
  14. Bailey, The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 85
  15. The opening verse of the Canadian national anthem.


2014 in L'Alpe di Siusi, fresh from the US and Australia.

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Third Quarter Moon
Third Quarter Moon

The moon is currently in Scorpio
The moon is 20 days old