
21 JUL 2024
© Malvin Artley
“If voting could change anything it would be made illegal!”
Robert S. Borden, MD[1]
Topics (linked to paragraphs):
The full moon
Current events
The spectacle
The other spectacle
Palestine update
Coordinated response
Within the next days
A moderating force
War with Iran?
The waiting game
Israel divided
The UK riots
Ukraine update
US politics as spectacle
In conclusion
Cancer Zodiac Art - Laurie'sArt111 - Digital Art & AI, Religion, Philosophy, & Astrology, Astrology & Zodiac, Zodiac Signs, Cancer - ArtPal

Greetings Everyone!

Greetings from Rome, actually. I am finishing this letter here, which I should have sent out a few weeks ago – the Cancer Blue Moon letter. So, here it is. Why, you may ask, is it so late? In a word, or acronym – COVID – which has moved through our household for the past few weeks in various stages. I don’t really care if people say it is just a bad flu or whatever. We got tested for it because Von der Leyen is threatening another bout of ‘boosters’ (for what, we may ask) this fall. With a positive result we just side-stepped it. But this is all old news. This bout of it affected me with pronounced fatigue and an inability to focus for a couple of weeks, except for brief intervals. Then, my wife got it. We have been a little bit out of sorts at the house, needless to say. And in the midst of all that, the world kept turning, events kept happening. And then the assassination attempt happened…and then Biden was resigned in a palace coup. I did a report on the Trump affair, linked later on in this letter, in the midst of recovering from COVID. I am not complaining, just filling you in on news from home. But on to more interesting matters, why have I come to Rome? The reasons are several.

I have lived in Italy for ten years now, yet I had never seen Rome. Then, the opportunity arose that an old friend of mine would be here for a few days renewing family connections. The company is what was important, not to mention Rome itself. So, I am here on a little Roman holiday. I will be going more into depth on Rome in the next letter, since Rome has a Leo personality and the soul of Italy is seeking its Leo expression.[2] But to matters more mundane, Rome is not exactly where one wants to be in July and August, speaking as one who is not keen on crowds or heat. Still, it has been more than a little interesting to wander through the sites and pick up on the energies and the history. We have hit the major sites – the Colosseum, St. Peter’s (an absolute must), the Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel, the Trevi Fountain, and so on. And let’s not forget the food. The B&B where we are staying is ten paces away from a gourmet gelato shop. That was the most dangerous part of Rome. Then there is the ubiquitous pizza, cacio e pepe, amatriciana and spaghetti carbonara (all famous Roman pasta dishes), none of which really interested me because I have lived in Italy for ten years. Instead, one day we had lunch in a little restaurant in the Jewish ghetto (ghetto is Italian for ‘quarter’, in essence, the Jewish quarter), to try something different. And it was different, for several reasons.

The wait staff in this Jewish kosher-style restaurant was all Indian, and seemed quite out of place in such a setting. The food was not bad, but on the menu you notice a lot of dishes made with parts of animals most Americans would never eat. I won’t mention them. But it is reflective of the fact the Jews were separated out from the main community and were probably poor. The ghetto is next to the ancient Roman sites. The buildings and architecture reflect it. The reason to bring up this particular place is the Jewish connection and what will be discussed later here, which is quite important going into the next full moon – the coming attacks on Israel. Israel-Palestine has been on everyone’s mind since October especially. The problem there is not Judaism, per se, but Zionism instead, which we have covered more extensively in recent letters. But sitting in this Jewish restaurant in the quartiere ebreico (Jewish ghetto), surrounded by ancient Roman ruins, a community that has co-existed more or less peacefully with the Romans and Italians for many centuries, one has to wonder how we came to our present situation in West Asia. Judaism itself coexists peacefully alongside numerous nations and cultures and has done so for millennia. And the restaurants there along ‘restaurant row’ in the ghetto were full of tourists from all over the world. Not seen at all in the quarter were Israeli flags, also of interest. That brings us to another point, which merges into our present theme for this letter (Cancer).

The Worst Time to Visit Rome Taxi drivers are an interesting lot. We were told by one driver that the subways (which are few) lose 70% of their income in July and August, largely because the Romans who usually use them leave the city and go on vacation. With that in mind, the city often shuts down entire lines during the summer for maintenance, for which we got caught out. We were also told that Rome normally has a population of around 3 million. But in July and August the number of people in Rome doubles. It is a massive sea of humanity here in Rome in July and August and one hears languages from the world over. Next year is a jubilee year, too, so next summer the situation will be even worse. My advice: Stay away from Rome next summer unless you have some reason to come to the celebrations. If you do, book everything well in advance. And…you will need tickets to see just about everything. One would be well advised to book tickets online in advance, too. We almost didn’t get tickets to see the Vatican, but we did and avoided a 4-hour wait outside, in the heat, in the sun, for the poor un-ticketed. But speaking of humanity, that brings us to the last installment for Cancer this year – the human family.

Cancer: It seems to be such a trite and glib statement these days to say ‘we are all one humanity’. In fact there is only a tiny bit of DNA that makes for the various races, yet the blood which courses through our veins is universal, usable across races if need be, and made of the same ‘stuff’. It would be accurate to say we are all of the same blood, as a general statement. The various blood types are the same across cultures. What makes us different is simply our perception and attachments to our ideas and cultures. And cultures are the primary determinants for our ideological orientations, contributing strongly to public opinion. These thoughts are encapsulated in the following statement:

“The world is one world and its sufferings are one; humanity is in truth a unity, but many are still unaware of this and the whole trend of the present teaching is directed to the awakening of humanity to this while there is yet time to avert still more serious conditions. The sins of humanity are also one. Its goal is one and it is as one great human family that we must emerge into the future. I would emphasize this thought: it is as one humanity, chastened, disciplined but illumined and fused, that we must emerge into the future. Those who do not grasp this important fact, whether they are what is called belligerents or neutrals, will suffer deeply as a result of their non-participation in the fate of the whole.”[3]

Cancer is the door into incarnation,[4] family life and blood ties are implicit in that statement. Also implicit in that statement is the factor of karma and soul groups (destinies), which brings us all together, hopefully in service. Cancer is also the door into incarnation after the karmic necessity for incarnation is removed (once we free ourselves from the cycle of rebirth, life and death). But of greater interest here is what happens as we cycle through our incarnations: We come to the increasing realization over lifetimes that, “It is in order eventually to negate the space-time concept and to prove it an illusion that the door in Cancer opens to the sacrificing, serving soul.” Seen from the angle of the soul, time is not linear. In fact, time as we know it does not exist to our soul:

“Seen from the inner side where time is not [from the higher Self/Soul/Triad], the human creature demonstrates as an amazing kaleidoscopic mutable phenomenon. Bodies, so called, or rather aggregates of atomic units, fade out and disappear, or flash again into manifestation. Streams of colours pass and repass; they twine or intertwine. Certain areas will then suddenly intensify their brightness and blaze forth with brilliance; or again they can be seen dying out and the phenomenon in certain areas will be colourless and apparently non-existent. But always there is a persistent over-shadowing light, from which a stream of lights pours down into the phenomenal man;..”

The Space-Time Continuum in Faerieland – deadbutdreaming In other words, the space-time continuum does not exist to the spiritual part of us. And as we cycle in and out of these aggregates, as Buddhist teachings rightly call our bodies, as we attain more and more to that type of consciousness, we begin to experience all sorts of phenomena around time, space, connections between ourselves and other kingdoms, and so on. We can go backwards and forward in time – as we know it – in our consciousness. We can know the past and somewhat of our future, as well as that of the world. One of the interesting things about being in a place like Rome, for instance, in that it has been there for thousands of years, is that certain experiences come back to us if we have lived in such cultures before. And many of us have. Conversations between my friend and I centered around time, space and how we perceive, and often misperceive, what is happening in every experience. What is real, and what is not? Are people crazy when they speak of experiences in parallel universes or with time displacement, dilation, contraction and so forth? Well, unless we experience that sort of thing ourselves, we do not really know of what people speak when they describe such phenomena. But overall, then we realize that this instant in time is not really all that important as it affects us. The wider picture begins to emerge.

We have examined before in these letters the idea that we do not come into this life alone or as a separate being. We all have shared destiny. Destiny is of the soul, whereas karma is more about the personality, though souls do have their karma as well. We come into life because of a sense of purpose, a purpose only known through contact with our own souls. There is indeed a soul path for each of us, however dimly or clearly sensed. We are here for experience, yes, but we are more so here for a purpose. And we share our lives with people who are either on the same path or paths complementary to our own.

“The whole emphasis of the entire evolutionary process is, in the last analysis, placed upon the development of conscious, intelligent awareness in the life animating the various forms. The exact state of awareness is contingent upon the age of the soul. Yet the soul has no age from the standpoint of time, as humanity understand it. It is timeless and eternal. Before the soul there passes the kaleidoscope of the senses, and the recurring [Page 24] drama of outer phenomenal existence; but throughout all these occurrences in time and space, the soul ever preserves the attitude of the Onlooker and of the perceiving Observer. It beholds and interprets.”[5]

C:\Users\tian_\Pictures\Site Pictures\avg_person.jpg This is why it is so important, especially in times like these, to adopt the attitude of the onlooker on events instead of being immersed in and attached to them. Then, we see so many people with their faces buried in their telephones instead of sharing time together, oblivious to the unfolding events going on around them, desire or escape to them being more important than the human condition – except as it affects them personally. To those people it is more about the endorphin rush instead of the sense of fulfillment that comes with shared effort. How many families now have smart phones at the dinner table instead of sharing the time together, for instance? If we remain oblivious to the wider world, then we have little choice than to bear what happens and become trapped in the emotional fog events evoke from the masses. We are one family. Let us treasure our time together and use it to purpose. That brings us to the full moon that has just passed.

The full moon took place on 21 July 2024 at 10:17 UTC (20:17 AEST). Before the assassination attempt on Trump I had been looking at the chart of the full moon as to what might transpire. If there was one word to describe the effect of this full moon it would be ‘breakpoint’. For the US in particular, given recent events there, there was indeed a breakpoint, with the recusal of Joe Biden from the race for the White House. The Sabian symbols for the full moon are quite apt for what took place, too:

  • A daughter of the American Revolution (Sun, 30th degree Cancer)
  • A secret meeting of men responsible for executive decisions in world affairs. (Moon, 30th degree Capricorn)

The solar degree implies the glorification of the past. There actually is an organization called Daughters of the American Revolution. They say they are non-political and there are over a million members. It is a volunteer organization and they describe themselves as, “…a non-profit, non-political volunteer women’s service organization.” Their fundamentals are largely traditional conservative, though – family, education and patriotism:

“Daughters are vibrant, active women who are passionate about community service, preserving history, educating children, as well as honoring and supporting those who serve our nation.”

In that sense, ‘serving the nation’ means military service members. It all sounds quite Cancerian, yes, even though the founding date is Libran: Oct 11th, 1890 in Washington, DC. But those are sound values – service, supporting people who do serve the nation (and the ways of service are myriad), preserving a true history (which we have lost, really), with the last point being supremely important and the greatest service to community and nation – the care, nurturing and education of children along right and loving lines.

secret meeting in a vintage study room, detailed expressions of conspiring individuals, flickering candlelight, rich wooden textures, a hidden map on the table As to the lunar degree, as we will see below, there are many secret meetings taking place at the moment, given recent events. There was a secret meeting to depose Biden. There are secret meetings in many nations about what to do about and how to handle the aftermath of world conflicts and challenges, and so on. Sometimes secrecy is important. But many times the public perception of secret meetings – like the Bilderberg meetings, for instance – are perceived by the public in a very negative light. With these points in mind we may as well get into the current events, with one area of the world in particular needing immediate attention.

Current events: The following major events took place worldwide since the last full moon:

  • A failed coup d’état in Bolivia. The general leading the coup attempt was arrested.
  • The British general election happened. As expected, Labour won, but largely because the British public could no longer tolerate the Tories. Labour’s ‘landslide’ came with only 20% of the voting public’s support. There is a blog post explaining it.
  • Masoud Pezeshkian is elected president of Iran. He is a moderate, but has stated there will be no change in the direction of foreign policy.
  • In a political sleight of hand, the left-wing New Popular Front wins the most seats in the French National Assembly, denying Le Pen her victory. But it is not how the people voted. The French government hasn’t been this unstable since the 4th Republic. (Ominous echoes are heard.) Macron thought he could ‘protect the center’. Instead, he delivered a fiasco. “Operation Jupiter has degenerated into the worst possible scenario. It is a total impasse”. The word ‘revolution’ in France is becoming more common in people’s minds and talk. Is a 6th Republic in the wings?
  • The 75th NATO summit was held in Washington, DC. It was all about the Putler. Biden put on a decent showing and was very ‘presidential’ in the American vein – stronger united, force through strength, and so on. However, the NATO Declaration repeats neoconservative delusions instead of addressing the truth of matters. If followed, it is a declaration of war for the whole of Europe instead of the war being localized in Ukraine.
  • You may have heard: They tried to kill Trump. ‘They’, you might ask? There is a report on it on the blog site.
  • Biden got COVID. There is a blog post on that, too – from three years ago.
  • The RNC Convention happened. Trump won the nomination, to no one’s surprise. He chose as his running mate one J.D. Vance. It’s worse than you think. In addition, they want to dump Ukraine, leaving it to the EU, while they are already instructing the media to gin up support for a war with Iran. Then it is on to China. When/if you vote for Trump, you vote for Peter Thiel and the national surveillance state. Thiel was also involved in the creation of Facebook, among many other means of surveillance and censorship. We need to be clear about the election, which we will address in the next letter from what we know now.
  • As is now sadly increasingly the case in our Western democracies, Olaf Scholz (Germany) has ordered the closure of one of the largest media networks (Compact) for the German opposition after it has the audacity to do an interview with Maria Zakharova, spox for the Russian Foreign Ministry. It was a frank and open interview. Apparently the sitting government in Germany would rather the German people didn’t know certain things, like why their cheap gas from Russia was taken away from them (the Americans blew up the pipelines) and other inconvenient truths. The video (in German) is still up on YouTube. There is an English subtitled version, too. If it is blocked in your location, let me know. The Traffic Light turn red for Compact.
  • There was a glitch in the Windows software patch that caused (almost) a worldwide disruption of transport and commerce. People are questioning – as in was it really a glitch, or a test, or maybe even a rehearsal? Oh, it was a software glitch, brought to you by CrowdStrike – the same people who brought us Russiagate. CrowdStrike is part of the Global Cyber Alliance, the people working to bring us the Ministry of Truth. Word has it Southwest Airlines avoided shutdown because their systems are all still running on Win 95 and Win 3.1. Well, it’s costly to continually upgrade operating systems, you know? There were a few nations also unaffected. Guess which ones, and why. More later…
  • In a landmark ruling at the World Court (ICJ), Israel is required to cease all settlement activities and remove all Jewish settlers from the occupied Palestinian territories – meaning all of mandate Palestine. We are certain the Israelis will be non-compliant. Lamis Deek, Palestinian-American attorney laid out the meaning and implications for the ruling. The lipstick has been wiped from the pig.
  • There will be peace and rumors of peace – especially if Trump gets elected – if you believe him. That is not Washington’s view. We need an election first. Trump’s nose got a bit longer with that speech, linked. But Zelenskyy is making noises about negotiations now. The war will actually be decided between the Russians and Washington, seeing the war there is between NATO and Russia. Zelenskyy will not have much to say in the matter. Still, with Trump on the scene and stronger now, cages are being rattled, as are the nerves of the neocons in Washington and nationalists in Kiev.
  • In terms of what we are told in the Western press, on the day of the full moon, Biden withdrew himself (?) from the race to the White House. Rumors are flying: Is Biden still alive? Will Harris be the nominee? Will Biden resign? Hillary, Michelle or Kamala?
  • Maduro was re-elected for third term in Venezuela, pronounced the winner by the relevant authorities there. In a fit of pique the opposition claims fraud. Since the US covets the oil there they have seen fit to pay protesters in an attempt to overthrow the election results. In fact, Venezuela has the largest reserves of gas, oil and gold in South America. What’s not to like? The attempt at a coup is already failing. The streets in general are quiet. Washington, prodded on by Big Oil interests in the US, has been trying to overthrow Maduro for the past 22 years. There is quite a lot the media is not telling us about the elections there. There were 900 observers from 95 countries for the elections. The electoral process in Venezuela was pronounced to be far better than that of the US (which isn’t saying much these days) by Jimmy Carter. In spite of all that, the US has just selected the president of Venezuela, refusing to recognize the will of the Venezuelan people. The clown show continues. Whatever happened to Juan Guaidò?
  • There are rising and more numerous riots in the UK, supposedly in a reaction against the murder of three children by a 2nd-generation Rwandan from an immigrant family, the thinking (or lack of) being he is Muslim because he is Rwandan. The only problem is, events are not as they appear to the public opinion. This is covered briefly later on here.
  • Lastly, the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris happened. It was a spectacle to most people, rather than a spectacular. We will start the larger view with that one, below, because it was a demonstration of some issues that are shaping elections across the West.

Then, there are the items that happened outside of the West or that went unreported that actually will have more bearing on our lives into the future, directly and indirectly:

  • The SCO summit took place in Astana. Belarus was admitted as a member.
  • Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán took the proverbial bull by the horns and went on a peace mission, first to Kiev, then to Moscow, then on to Beijing, and finally to Mar-a-Lago, in an effort to bring an end to the war in Ukraine – hopefully before we all get incinerated in nuclear war or WWIII breaks out in Europe. The folks in Brussels had a collective hissy fit. How dare he! We can’t have peace in our times!! We can’t distract the public from our policies if we can’t scare them with the Russian threat! He must be stopped!…..And just like that, Von der Leyen and Kallas were installed as the chief warmongers in Brussels, while Viktor has been snubbed. Blowback cometh from the snub.
  • The Qazvin-Rasht rail link was inaugurated in the presence of Iranian, Russian and Azerbaijani officials. This rail line provides seamless railway connections between Caspian Sea ports and the ports in the Persian Gulf, boosting rail transport along the INSTC. It also gives Russia rail access to the Persian Gulf. The line is almost 1,500 km long. This link was the last remaining break in the INSTC trade corridor. There is now an unbroken, direct trade corridor between India and Russia, completely bypassing the Suez Canal – from Moscow to Mumbai. Launched a few days later, the China-Iran-Europe rail line was launched, part of China’s New Silk Roads project. It eliminates sea traffic, takes less time and is very secure.
  • The BRICS Association of Cities and Municipalities meeting was held in Kazan
  • The Houthis strike Tel Aviv with a drone. It flew undetected for over 2,000 km. The Israelis retaliated and bombed the port at Hodeida. The Yemenis have vowed vengeance.
  • Le Pen, Orban and the 'Patriots for Europe': Is the EU being undermined from within? The Chinese diplomats have once again done the improbable and brokered a ‘day after’ deal between 14 Palestinian factions for ruling over the Palestinian State. The national unity deal included rivals Fatah and Hamas. Meanwhile in Abu Dhabi the UAE, Israel and the US have been meeting in secret for the imposition of rule in post-war Gaza, which would include troops from neighboring Arab countries. Both plans would require a two-state solution, rejected outright by the Israelis. The Chinese plan would require international support. The US rejected the plan outright, as expected, because it includes Hamas.
  • Le Pen, Orban and Salvini join forces in a right-wing alliance in the EU Parliament. The group is called ‘Patriots for Europe’ and includes members from the Austrian Freedom Party and the Czech ANO Party. In all they will comprise 84 seats in the EU Parliament (~12%). They have a sovereigntist platform:

“The dividing line of politics today is no longer between conservatives and liberals or between right and left, but between centrists who proclaim a new Europe and patriots and sovereignists who fight to preserve and strengthen the Europe of the people we value. Only through the victory and cooperation of patriotic and sovereignist parties across the continent can we secure a legacy for our children.”

  • Assad made a snap unannounced visit to Moscow where he and Putin discussed the situation in West Asia for over two hours. The visit was not announced until Assad was safely back in Damascus. Specifics on the conversation are not available, but no doubt on the agenda was the potential for normalization between Turkiye and Syria (with the removal of Turkish forces from Syria), the possibility of enhanced air defenses in Syria and the possibility of Russian intervention if Israel widens the war into Lebanon. Lavrov recently stated Russia would intervene there if the conflict were to widen. Gilbert Doctorow offered some comment on the meeting on Iran’s PressTV.
  • Israel tried a false flag event in the Golan, claiming Hezbollah fired a missile into a group of Israeli youth playing football. Problem is, the youth were Druze Muslim Syrians and the alleged missile was a misfired (?) Iron Dome antiaircraft missile. The Syrians in the Golan have never claimed Israeli citizenship. Eyewitness accounts saw plainly it was an Israeli missile that struck the playground. Israel claims Hezbollah will suffer a harsh response. There is a larger point here, as the region teeters on the brink of a wider war, covered under the Palestine update, below.
  • Russia and the West exchanged 24 prisoners in the largest such swap since the Old Cold War. Evan Gershkovich and Russia’s Vadim Krasikov were the highest profile prisoners returned to their homelands. “Altogether, each side in this swap got what they wanted, and it represents a rare example of successful New Cold War diplomacy.” A slight thaw, perhaps. This may also have something to do with Russia agreeing to pull back weapons shipments to Ansarallah in Yemen.

The spectacle: From here we start our expansion on the points above. From one of the bullet points, above, the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics in Paris took place. Prior to that there was a coordinated sabotage of the high speed trains across France. The attacks paralyzed travel to the Olympics for over an hour. The culprits are yet to be found. The Israelis said the attacks were “…influenced by “Iran’s axis of evil and radical Islam.” No one believed it, especially due to a video that had been posted earlier of a supposed jihadist warning of a terrorist attack in Paris during the Olympics. It was the strangest thing: The ‘Hamas jihadist’ in the video had an Israeli accent. It was an obvious propaganda video. Then, later, the spectacle started. Why it was called a spectacle is probably already clear to people who watched it.

The Paris Olympics 'Last Supper,' the French Revolution and punching down on a Catholic minority | America Magazine There have been many spectacular opening ceremonies for the Olympics over the yearsSydney (The Dreaming), London (Isles of Wonder), Rio de Janeiro (“The Girl From Ipanema”), Beijing (2008 drummers!), Atlanta (Ali was the greatest), Athens (Allegory and Hourglass), Tokyo (United by Emotion), Sochi (Dreams of Russia). Then, there was Paris 2024. And people wondered – what did I just watch?! What we watched at that ceremony illustrated the clear disconnect between the elites in the large cities of the West and the general public in each nation. It was a spectacle to most viewers, and offensive to the majority, especially more religious and secular traditionalist viewers. Comments across media, especially social media, were quite clear about the public reaction. The mood was less than complimentary, putting it diplomatically. Now the French are busy scrubbing the imagery from the internet, especially on social media, which is really telling. They also issued an attempt at an apology for offending many viewers, especially regarding depictions of religious iconography. Then again, maybe it wasn’t about religious symbolism. But who would have known that except for people who have studied such matters as bacchanals and European art from the 17th century? It was perhaps a poor choice of imagery to have a feast of the gods as bacchanal so closely resembling Da Vinci’s The Last Supper. And who amongst the general public would see Dionysus instead of a naked blue Smurf? And the ‘pale horse of death’ was instead a water god of the Seine? Again, who outside of Paris would have known that? The planners of the event obviously did not think through the resemblance of the symbols to Christian icons. Or maybe they did…

What we saw in the opening ceremony was Macron’s Parisian, metropolitan France. It was not the France of Le Pen or Melanchon, who represent the majority of French voters. There were videos of the reaction of average citizens of France to the ceremony, and they reacted in disgust. To the artistic set it was a celebration of French DEI (diversity, equality, inclusiveness) and naughtiness – a dig at more staid, conservative values. Opinions varied across international and independent media, with some praising the event while others condemned it. And in some countries certain scenes from the event were blacked out, like the depiction of the naked Dionysus and the ‘Last Supper’ scene.

What are we really seeing in the event and the reactions to it? And how does that play politically and culturally? Well, as many comments rightly pointed out, the Paris opening ceremony was a celebration of ‘woke culture’ – DEI – and in the rush to be ‘inclusive’ the larger part of France and its ancient culture was left out. And people felt excluded – the people (the majority) who hold traditional views of French and Western life and culture. They dislike having woke culture shoved upon them. And this brings us to the wider point regarding this topic: The mass of people, represented by Cancer, tend toward traditional values, family values. When they see this sort of thing (opening ceremony) they feel disenfranchised and ignored by the elites, the latter who largely congregate in the major cities of any nation. This is a divide we see very clearly in the United States, where the Democrats’ power base is in the major coastal cities of the US, whereas the Republican base tends to be more rural and traditionally conservative. There were other spectacles as well.

Not humanly possible' – China's Pan says other swimmers unfriendly in Paris pool as Aussie coach questions record | Irish Independent The Olympics as well are highly politicized. The Russians and Belarussians are banned, but the perpetrators of genocide are permitted to participate freely. If you are friendly with the West anything goes. If not you are banned. If you are the Chinese team you get tested for doping over 600 times, while the Western teams – the US, France and Australia especially – seem to have a lot of asthma, which treatment has a steroid base. Oh, but that is not performance enhancing. We could go on, but perhaps the point has been made. The Australian and American swim teams are livid because a Chinese won gold by a full body length in the 100 meter freestyle. And there have been other scandals as well, but we will leave it at that. The games should be about sportsmanship and nations coming together in friendly competition. OK, call me an idealist. But the fact is there is a lot of money involved, national pride, Western exceptionalism (There is a reason the Chinese are winning and it has everything to do with the health of its people instead of drugs.) and advertising deals for winners as well as corporate advertising at the games. Come on…

The other spectacle: On the 24th of July another glaring revelation of truth about Washington was staged in a joint session of Congress. Netanyahu addressed Congress in what can only be called a spectacle, exposing the utter hypocrisy of American leadership and the values they profess to hold – freedom, democracy, and so on. The address was not about Netanyahu. It was a statement about the US. The spectacle started with a standing ovation of a full three minutes. During the address to Congress Netanyahu stood there bald-faced and told Congress, the American people and the world lie after lie in his effort for securing an unending supply of arms for continuing the genocide and ultimately to corral Congress into going to war first with Hezbollah and ultimately with Iran, in what would be a last-ditched effort to save the Zionist project that is Israel and his own bacon. Apparently the US has greenlit Israel to expand the war in a major operation against Hezbollah. It would be a major strategic error on the part of the IOF, discussed below. And in the face of all that, he received 58 – fifty-eight – standing ovations. It was one of the most shameful nights of American politics in recent memory. It removed once and for all any shred of credibility Washington has when it comes to human rights. And it showed beyond doubt toward whose fealty those members of Congress in attendance displayed – except for one. The address and visit also may have sealed Israel’s fate, also to be discussed below.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib holds "war criminal" sign during Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress - CBS DetroitNot all was favorable for Netanyahu. Half of the Democrat members of Congress boycotted the session, including Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and most of the Squad. Biden did not attend either. The only Palestinian-American member of Congress, Rashida Tlaib, attended, wearing a keffiyeh around her neck as well as a Palestinian flag pin, and at times raising a pallet with the words ‘war criminal’ during Netanyahu’s address. It was a singular and courageous act of defiance. Outside Congress there were protests in the streets. Netanyahu and retinue had to vacate the Watergate Hotel where they normally stay on state visits because protesters had spread worms, maggots and crickets throughout their quarters and set off fire alarms, while outside laser displays emblazoned the walls of the hotel with ‘WANTED ARREST NETANYAHU’, while still other protesters loudly protested over 3 nights, depriving the retinue of sleep. This brings us to perhaps the most important topic for this letter – the possible eruption of the wider war in West Asia.

Palestine update: On July 30 the Israelis struck a building in southern Beirut, aiming to assassinate the senior military commander of Hezbollah. They succeeded. They said it was in response for the missile that fell on the youth playing soccer in the Golan, an act the Israelis themselves committed. But in making the attempt in Beirut the IOF killed five other people, including a woman and two children, and wounded over 80 others. Hezbollah is weighing its response, which will be harsh, and which will target sites deep within Israel, and very likely Tel Aviv. Nasrallah just gave a speech on the matter, stating the response by Hezbollah will not be symbolic, but will rather be an open battle on all fronts. He further stated, “…there will be no solution [to the coming battle] except to stop the aggression on Gaza.” The assassination will have no effect on the command of Hezbollah, as they have a large pool of trained commanders.

Then, the next day, after the assassination of the Hezbollah commander, the Israelis or a proxy assassinated the political chief of Hamas, Haniyeh – in Tehran. The Iranians claim it was done via a missile fired from outside Iran (since verified), likely carried on an Israeli F35 stealth fighter. The Iranians, too, have vowed a harsh response, and have been given the UN’s blessing under Art. 51 – the right to self-defense. The assassination of Haniyeh was the gravest on the part of the Israelis, who do not seem to learn. Israel has a history of killing Hamas leaders who are trying to secure ceasefires. The two assassinations were for domestic consumption, to show the Israeli populace Israel is strong enough to do such things and not suffer any consequences. The act has only confirmed that Israel has no interest in securing a ceasefire. Apparently there will be no ceasefire, only an end to the war. As Nasrallah said in his speech, the Israelis may laugh a little now, but they will cry a lot later. In fact, in an urgent letter to the UNSC, Iran may have announced they will conduct their own SMO, against Israel. Only the Russians and the Chinese honored the letter and condemned the Israeli action. What the Iranian response means remains to be seen, but a former Lebanese lawmaker said,

“The response…was to feature retaliatory missile strikes by the Islamic Republic and regional resistance movements that would target the occupied Palestinian territories “from every direction.”

Coordinated response: And no doubt, they will. The attacks are being coordinated amongst all the four main Resistance groups, as in Iran, Hezbollah, Iraq and Yemen. The Iranians hold the US partly responsible as well, and it is unlikely the Iranians will consult with Americans before firing on Israel this time. American bases in the region could come under fire, too. The assassination of Haniyeh has only hardened the Resistance. His funeral was in Tehran. Haniyeh was Sunni, but his funeral was presided over by Ayatollah Khamenei, a Shia, putting paid to the notion there is a Sunni-Shia split in the region. Iranians poured out into the streets of Tehran to honor Haniyeh at his funeral – and they are vowing revenge for his death. Across the Arab world tributes poured in for Haniyeh. Recent commentary supports the idea that Israel is seeking to provoke a wider war in order to draw in the United States. And regardless of how we see the matter, the wider world, especially the Arab world, sees the Israeli provocations – which is the way they were intended – as the West wanting war with Hezbollah and Iran:

“Israel is single-mindedly in pursuit of a wider war in the region centered on the destruction of the Islamic Republic. It has no intention of moderating this obsession. Haniyeh’s assassination, along with intensifying provocations of Iran, along Israel’s border with Lebanon, and in the West Bank, indicate that it sees the present moment as its opportunity to make this war a reality. Israel knows very well it cannot win the war it craves. As assiduously as it seeks this war is precisely the extent to which it will seek to draw the U.S. into it. This is what makes the insanely intemperate reception Netanyahu received in Congress on July 24 so dangerous.

It's time for Iran and Israel to talk | Responsible Statecraft Finally and more broadly, it is time to recognize that Israel is incapable of serious statecraft because it has no interest in it…Instead, in its region Israel relies on brutality or the threat of it in the name of Old Testament revenge. And American protection is key to the apartheid state’s approach to its immediate circumstances…In the wider world, Israel depends primarily on sympathy-mongering, eternal victimhood, and the manipulation of the guilty consciences of Europeans. Among Americans it adds to this the incessant bribery and barely concealed intimidations of the Israel lobby as applied to a decadent political class that is by turns greedy and petrified. I have for decades considered Palestine the suppurating sore on humanity’s flesh. The cause and the remedy just became more obvious.”

Within the next days, really, we will see a sharp escalation of the war in West Asia, which may lead to a wider regional war. The retaliatory strikes against Israel will likely be called ‘unprovoked’ in the West, but that makes no difference to the Resistance. Israel has indeed provoked the coming response. And the wider world sees the assassinations as major provocations by the Israelis, and likely an attempt to draw the US into the conflict. The points outlined below follow upon Netanyahu’s visit to Congress and Trump. The following factors are in evidence:

A moderating force: This last item is quite important, because it is a moderating force in what is to come, strange as that might sound. For certain, once Israel is attacked, as seems assured, you will never have heard such a cry of victimhood from the Zionists, with calls to obliterate Iran, both from within Israel and with the hawks in the US Congress, the likes of Lindsay Graham, Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley. Fortunately for us, they are a small minority in Congress. But with the Russian presence in Iran now, the Pentagon will be much more hesitant to launch attacks on Iran directly. Shoigu’s visit is also important, given the rapprochement between Iran and the Saudis brokered by China, in that the Saudis would not be so keen to aid Israel in the event on a wider war. The Saudis are also making amends with Ansarallah in Yemen, since Ansarallah has been reminding the Saudis of what could happen should the Saudis engage in any mischief against Yemen. The Saudi back-down is a strategic loss to the US and Israel. And there is an election in the US in November, in case you didn’t know. Washington wants to avoid a wider war.

Given the points above, what other conclusion would we draw other than a wider war or at least a major escalation in the current tensions is immanent? Yet every military analyst I have heard has stated the IOF has no hope of defeating even Hezbollah, much less the entire Axis of Resistance. Two of the more experienced commentators on the matter differ a bit on what will happen. Elijah Magnier is convinced a wider was will be avoided and outlined why in a recent interview. Alastair Crooke goes the eschatological route and thinks such a war is unavoidable, but even he appears to be changing his tune. Both men have long experience with matters in West Asia and give excellent commentary, which in general agrees. On this one question, they differ a little. It is clear from the bullet points above there is quite a bit of posturing going on, seeking to avoid a wider war. The Israelis have been warned in no uncertain terms that if they attack Lebanon it will be their undoing. The Israelis only seem to understand force, though, and it is force they will get soon enough. Then there is the American view on the matter, which is divided between the public and the lawmakers.

War with Iran?: The hawks in Washington agree with Netanyahu that ultimately Iran must be defeated and pushed back, thinking that would end the Axis of Resistance and secure Western hegemony in the region into the future. Israel is the key to the West’s hegemony in West Asia. But the more hawkish elements in Washington are actually few and appear to be wholly ignorant of what a war with Iran would actually mean. I did a post on that very matter five years ago, still valid though a bit dated (Topic: “What a war with Iran would mean”), so we will not go over old ground here. But since Netanyahu’s spectacle at the US Congress, rhetoric about Iran has been front and center in Western media, with every member of the Axis of Resistance being branded ‘Iran-backed’, even though the only such group joined at the hip with Iran is Hezbollah. The various members of the Resistance are in general independent, yet they coordinate with each other. But here is a main point, and a reason why all the parties involved in fact want to avoid an expanded war: A wider war would mean the expulsion of America from the region, but also tremendous destruction of infrastructure and loss of life on all sides. It would also spell the end of the Zionist project, as well as causing a worldwide economic catastrophe and a mass refugee crisis for Europe. We do not have the space to go into all the ‘whys’ and ‘wherefores’ here. No one with any reasonable and common sense desires such a scenario. But we are dealing with a few deluded and insane people in leadership in Israel and the US. We will probably see a sharp escalation, but as well a sudden realization on the part of the IOF that if there is any chance of Israel surviving it lies in diplomacy rather than military victory. What we will likely see, then, was outlined in a previous link, above:

“These realities suggest a scenario where Washington might force Tel Aviv to absorb the Axis of Resistance’s retaliation, however severe it may be.”

Image The waiting game: In the meantime, while the world hangs on to our collective seats waiting for the response of the Resistance, Iran is seriously messing with the Israelis with psychological warfare. This indeed is part of their retaliation. International airlines have cancelled all flights to Israel while the waiting game plays on. Ben Gurion Airport is a ghost town now with no arrivals or departures. The Israeli economy is taking a big hit as the state awaits the coming attack. But it takes time for Iran and the Resistance groups to move assets into place for their response, so Iran is using the time for psychological warfare. Instead of a wider war, though (forget WWIII), we are probably about to witness a large crisis in the region that will bring realities to bear and temper the outlook of Washington – a short but intense conflict. There are in fact still sane people there. Such events, too, would have long carry-on effects for the Zionists and the region, but it would mean one thing in particular – the realization by the Zionists that their project in Israel is teetering on shaky ground at best, and is headed to dissolution in their worst view. Their worst view is widely desired in the wider world.

Israel divided: Then there are the most recent events. Also on the 29th, riots broke out in Israel after the IOF arrested nine soldiers on charges of raping Palestinian prisoners at a notorious detention center. The protests were by far-right groups egged on by Ben Gvir, aiming to free the detained soldiers. They are essentially protesting for their right to sexually abuse and torture prisoners, practices in which the Israelis have been engaged as a matter of course for many years. But the fact the soldiers were arrested signaled panic within the IOF, meaning Israel is in a death spiral so long as these practices and the genocide continue. The question is, who will Israel take down with it? Those soldiers have since been released. We won’t go into details, but some people are questioning whether or not Israel is on the brink of civil war. Civil war might be overstating matters or even wishful thinking, but the incidents highlight how broken the society is. The Israeli public is in despair, not seeing any hope for the future of the state. This is exactly the state of mind Hamas leader Sinwar sought to instill in the Israeli public.

Sinwar was just unanimously appointed as the political leader of Hamas, sending the strongest possible signal to the Israelis that Hamas will not stop until Palestine is free. If you want to know more about Sinwar Iran’s PressTV has posted several articles and videos about him. His writings and speeches reveal his mindset regarding Israel and Palestine. Israel will never again be feared in the region and will from now on be insecure. It is doubtful, given military analyses, that the US will be able to save Israel. In that respect Hamas has won the war, as time would eventually reveal, and at the cost of huge suffering. The assassination of Resistance leaders also suggests attempts at ‘decapitation strikes’ ahead of a major military incursion into Lebanon by the IOF. If the Gaza conflict is not resolved soon Israel may well fall apart. So, we prepare ourselves no for what appears to be inevitable. Meanwhile Ukraine and Ukrainians slide into the memory hole of the West. With the recent provocations by Israel against Hezbollah and Iran, the Resistance has said ‘enough is enough’. That phrase brings us to our next topic.

Far-right, anti-immigration riots persist across the U.K. Here's what to know The UK riots: The current riots in the UK come on the heels of the public reaction to the 2024 Southport stabbing murders, where three children were killed, eight more were injured and two adults were injured at a dance studio. All the murdered victims were white, and little girls, which has inflamed racial tensions in the UK. The assailant is a black 17 y/o Rwandan-British citizen, Axel Muganwa Rudakubana – note the nationality. He is not a ‘boat person’. The incident was judged by the police as not being terror-related, either. Instead, it is noted that Axel has autism spectrum disorder. Further, the family background is Christian. The family was heavily involved with a local church, and described Axel as a “quiet choir boy”. Yet, because he is black and Rwandan, some members of the public simply reacted, thinking he was an ‘illegal’ migrant Muslim. A riot broke out in Southport, targeting Muslims and blacks, all racially motivated. The riots quickly spread, though, with those in London being dubbed ‘Enough is enough’. The rioters are said to be ‘far-right’, as is the fashion in the media these days whenever violence flairs. Divide and rule has long been the way to keep the public from uniting. But we might well ask, enough of what? – poor government, heavy-handed policing, thuggish behavior? We could make a long list – but we know what they meant: Enough of migration. There are many agendas at work here, primary among them being racism and the further slide toward a security state. Starmer has promised more draconian measures, in a bid to ‘restore public order’. Have a read:

“Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s plans to deploy facial recognition technology more widely in a bid to tackle disorder are “alarming”, a privacy campaign group says. The measure is part of a new “national capability” across police forces to combat the unrest seen in parts of England in the wake of the Southport stabbings, Starmer announced earlier. Big Brother Watch says the plan “threatens rather than protects democracy”. “This AI surveillance turns members of the public into walking ID cards, is dangerously inaccurate and has no explicit legal basis in the UK,” the group’s director, Silkie Carlo, says.”

What is at work here in a wider view is a situation like ‘never let a good crisis go to waste’. Various groups are pushing their own agendas, from what we see: stoking Islamophobia just prior to the Resistance strikes against Israel; distraction from the failed policies of every British government from Thatcher onwards; a reaction against economic hardships, where some in the public blame migrants (legal and otherwise) for loss of jobs and income; just rank racism; stoking violence so the government can introduce more draconian security measures across the nation; even political gaming to put the present government in a bad light – even poorer than its current ratings. And the list is not all-inclusive. But the timing of the riots comes just after Netanyahu’s provocations against Hezbollah and Iran in an effort to bring on a wider regional war. There is more than one agenda at play here, looking beneath the surface, and none of those agendas bode well for the people of the UK. There is also a Zionist element, which should hardly be surprising, given the timing of the riots, and that Zionist element is fomented by the EDL (English Defense League), headed by Tommy Robinson, who has stated he would fight for Israel in a war. Perhaps now he should not waste any time and make his way to Israel. This brings us to the next conflict.

Ukraine update: There is not really much to add here that was not already covered in the update in the last letter. A recent analysis shows the Ukrainians are in deep trouble. The Western press is turning very sour on the conflict there, with reports of dire conditions for the Ukrainians beginning to come out now instead of ‘Ukraine is winning!’ The entire front is collapsing ahead of the Russian advances. Mention was made of the electric war on the past two letters. That situation is so tenuous now that three missile strikes from Russia could black out the entire Ukraine for the near future, causing societal and military collapse. This is Russia’s ‘nuclear option’ for Ukraine, without the nukes. If the war needed to be ended suddenly, that is how the Russians would do so, and without great loss of life in the process. The cities would empty out. All production would stop. The regime in Kiev would have no option but to surrender. How would they fight Russia in such a scenario – with sticks and shovels? There is the sense the whole terrible war could be plausibly wrapped up before the US election in November, were the Russians to pursue that course. Maybe that is what the Russians have in mind.

Russia declares state of emergency in Kursk as Ukraine pushes incursion – POLITICO The Ukrainians just launched an offensive inside Russia in the direction of Kursk, which was quickly crushed by the Russians. There was a Ukrainian soldier who posted that Ukraine invaded for social media posts. But the bigger picture here is that Kiev is doing this for negotiation leverage. It is surmised that a larger operation in the Kursk direction is planned, though we will have to wait and see. The attack was meant to sow discord among the Russian public. All it has done is to harden Russian resolve, with more hawkish elements in Russia calling once again for the Kremlin to finish the war and stop being so reactive. And then we hear there was a planned assassination attempt against Putin and the new Russian Defense Minister, Belusov, which was planned for the Navy Day celebrations in Russia. Belusov made a phone call to Lloyd Austin and they had a chat. The plan was called off. All this was covered in a recent analysis. Otherwise, we can make only a brief mention of US politics here, since much of what is happening with world conflicts has a basis in Washington. We will have to leave everything about the election for the next letter, Leo.

US politics as spectacle: Politics in America – elections especially – are more about spectacle than anything of real substance. There have been two main events since the last full moon that have turned US politics on its ear. The first was Trump’s ear, followed quickly by the White House palace coup, which is what Biden’s ‘resignation’ actually was. And now we hear Kamala Harris has essentially won the Democrat nomination and has ‘chosen’ her running mate – Tim Walz – of German-Swedish and Catholic descent, although he is a declared Lutheran himself. I have it on good authority from an inside source that ‘he’s the kind of guy you would want to take a casserole to’. He and Harris tick all the right boxes for the liberals. We’ll have more on the personalities in the Leo letter in a couple of weeks, since Leo is all about personality. Just remember: Like we see in the UK, the presidential candidates are not chosen by us. They are chosen in secret meetings of people responsible for executive decisions in world affairs, harking back to the lunar symbol for this full moon. They are vetted by the donor class, put before us as being representative of us and then we get to choose which one we want – or not. Voting is not compulsory in the US. Read Sy Hersh’s description of how Biden was deposed if you want to see how things work in presidential politics. Having been in Rome now and seeing the Colosseum, the term ‘bread and circuses’ has never had more relevance that what we see now in US media and politics. And a Trump victory is not assured. If he keeps going on his same course there is all likelihood he will lose the election, if he even makes it that far. Don’t be at all surprised if there is an October surprise. More in the next letter.

After the end of history… | After The End of History In conclusion, we are constantly told these days to be afraid of this, that or the other, or that ‘Things are just going great!’, to the extent that we just don’t quite know what to believe any longer. Here’s a thought: Believe in ourselves, even if no one else does. Yes, tensions in our world are very high. But in the larger scheme, these times are but the blink of an eye. In the long life of the soul a single life matters little. There is always time to change the road we’re on. There was a time in recent memory when it seemed the West was on its way to dominance for the rest of this century. Whatever happened to that? I will always remember the advice I was once given that if someone tries to ply you with fear it is best to hear the words, but to see what is really behind the words instead of reacting. We often find in such a case that the person or group is seeking to use us, somehow. The masses are easily led in such a manner. Most ‘news’ we see on TV, for instance, is not inspirational, and is more often than not negative and fear-inducing. It keeps us separated from communities and the wider world. It causes ‘family discord’ in terms of the human family. And that is by design. But these events about which we are warned, as described above, those can be offset and made to work for a wider plan. The plan is of our making.

Lavrov just gave a speech at the UN, in which he pointedly singled out Washington for its mischief in the world. He ended his speech with the following words:

“The End of History did not take place. Let’s work together in the interest of the beginning of history of true multilateralism that reflects all the richness of culture and cultural and civilizational multi-diversity of the peoples of the world. I invite everyone to a frank discussion. Of course it has to be an honest one. Thank you very much.”

Well, we all know Rome was not built in a day, nor did it see its demise in one, either. In fact, it still exists and thrives, along with all the reminders of its history in between. And through it all Rome has been a great magnetic world center. In the process of our growth through the millennia, we become magnetic centers ourselves – centers of light, centers of love, expressing wills of our own And we do this together. In concert we thrive. Let our discussions be frank and honest in these days, with the issues standing clear. In a few years of time, what we feel such concern about now will be as but a distant memory. Always seek the wider vista.

Cancerian blessings,
8 Aug 24

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Picture credits:
Cancer: ArtPal.com
Trevi Fountain: author
Crowds in Rome: Avoid Crowds
Spacetime continuum painting: Deadbutdreaming
The average person: YouTube
Secret meeting: Adobe Stock
Maduro: AP News
Le Pen and Orban: France24
Blue Dionysus: American Magazine
100m freestyle winners: Irish Independent
Rashida Tlaib: CBS News
Shoigu in Tehran: Ynet News
Gimme shelter: IOF
Enough is enough: WFDD
Putin pensive: Politico
Calvin and Hobbes: Bill Watterston (cartoonist)
  1. Commonly misattributed to Samuel Clemons (‘Mark Twain’), but is rather common sense these days. This quote appeared in the newspaper The Lowell Sun on September 24, 1976.
  2. https://development.malvinartley.com/2022/02/08/excerpts-from-the-destiny-of-the-nations/

  3. Bailey, Alice A., The Destiny of the Nations, (1949) New York, NY, Lucis Publishing, p. 65
  4. Bailey, Esoteric Astrology, pp. 337, 338
  5. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology II, p. 23


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