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Topics (linked to paragraphs):
Onward to revelation
Why are we waiting?
The full moon
Current events
Strategic ambiguity
Musk: Def
The ambush
Ceasefire or ploy?
Drones and vassals
The escalation
The EU – what next?
Talk in the West
The funeral
The Renaissance War
Empire or republic
Restructuring the West
Suggested viewing
Greetings Everyone!
Spring has finally arrived in our fair city. The temperatures are much milder. The flowering trees are all in bloom, especially the cherry trees that line some of our streets. The city is quite lovely when everything is in bloom. The hay fever that comes with it is not so lovely. The Tuesday market street vendors are doing a bang-up business these days as people finally dare to venture out of their houses. And of particular note this spring is the presence of Venus in the evening sky. I like to watch it on the Western horizon when it is dark enough as it slowly sinks to sit at the mountain peak in the distance, setting just after nightfall. Then there is Jupiter at the apex of the evening sky, with Mars a little further the east. But Venus is the star of the evening sky, as in the most prominent and celebrated this year. It is in its Hesperus phase – the ingathering of wisdom – and in its retrograde phase, soon to join Mercury in its retrograde phase with the Sun on the 23rd of this month. Mercury makes its retrograde station the day after the full moon. The year thus far has been an interesting interval for astronomers, and for astrologers, too, as we will examine here a little later.
With the commencement of spring, and speaking of getting out of the house, my wife and I did something we had net done since before the pandemic – we went to the movies. Of course we do get out and about on a regular basis, but this particular event followed upon International Women’s Day. Normally, films are screened here either too late (because of work the next day) or because the weekend showings are just too crowded. We have been remiss as a result. Neither of us much like crowds. But we decided to take a chance anyway. Life has been busy and somewhat demanding lately and we needed a break, and something light. So, we went to one of the latest offerings. Once we were seated the audience started filing in and after everyone was seated my wife did a count of the attendees. Out of a little over 50 people (It was a Sunday evening.), I was one of only three men in the audience. Yeah, it was a ‘chick flick’, or ‘romcom’, if you like. The genre is not my cup of tea. I prefer science fiction, a good drama and documentaries. But we thought the film may be divertente (fun), so off we went. We began to notice a ways into the film that there was very little laughter from the audience, though – non era divertente. As well, and as it turned out in the end, the film was not a stupidaggine (silliness). It left the audience in a very reflective mood instead. There were no smiles and gaiety as people left. The film pressed a lot of buttons in people, as the saying goes. And no, I won’t spoil it for you and tell you what the name of the film was. You will have to guess.
In reality (as much as films can be) this particular film would have been a good one for Buddhists. It reflected life as it is, full of ups and downs, joys and sadness, family life and so on. Most of all, though, the film spoke of impermanence and attachments, the folly of expectations and proscriptions, and that matters rarely turn out the way we expect. There are always twists of fate, unexpected gems, alternatives that are presented to us as a better path than the ones we may have wanted, dealing with attachments and the need to detach from sentiments when needed. And it spoke of growing in wisdom borne of experience – like Venus Hesperus. But as you may have guessed, this segues into our current theme, which is Pisces – the one sign of the zodiac that most exemplifies the qualities and experiences just mentioned.
Pisces: In our modern, Western view of the zodiac Pisces is normally represented as a more passive and sensitive sign. The modern assignation of its ruling planet is Neptune. But from the standpoint of esoteric astrology, Neptune serves mainly to focus the influences of Pisces[1] at a purely collective level, not through individuals except in the advanced stages of discipleship. This is quite a different matter to actually ruling over the sign for individuals. In both esoteric and traditional astrology, Jupiter is the orthodox ruler of the sign for individuals, where worldly matters trump spiritual aspirations.[2] There is a point to this distinction, mentioned in a bit. But most astrologers assign Neptune as the ruler of Pisces, which gives rise to certain misinterpretations regarding the sign. Pisceans are seen as mystical, wavering, soft, emotional, other-worldly, sweet, kind, giving, always eager for self-sacrifice for others, devoted, demanding of little – hence the connection of Neptune to the sign regarding the more psychic qualities. Instead of Neptune, the self-sacrificing and giving qualities point instead to the magnanimous and giving nature of Jupiter. Jupiter is the planet that transmits the 2nd ray, the ‘ray of community’, it might be called. It is the planet of fusion and cohesion. In the one sense it consolidates mass. In human terms it is the ‘wealth-giving’ planet. In spiritual terms Jupiter represents the union of the soul and the personality. In that respect Jupiter represents the wealth of wisdom gained through experience.
Pisceans are often found where large groups of people are concerned through the rulership by Jupiter of the sign. Jupiter is like a magnet, drawing people together. By their willingness to give and to serve Pisceans can be found as organizers, especially in terms of human resources. Because of their receptivity they are able to read a crowd very well, so long as they are able to wall off and distinguish between their own reactions and the emotions of people around them. Jupiter, due to its ‘esoteric gravity’ is able to suck everything into its orbit and assimilate diverse factors when dealing with people. As such, Pisces types (Sun and Ascendant) exhibit reserve, inner composure and receptivity to all kinds of influences. In general, they are patient, serene and philosophical people. The situation and outlook on life by Pisces types changes when the esoteric rulers come into influence – that is to say, when the consciousness of the Piscean has evolved to the point where they can respond to the energies of Neptune and Pluto, the latter being the esoteric and the ultimate ruler of the sign. Neptune’s influence in Pisces is another matter, in that it influences and governs the overall content of the astral nature in people and thereby one’s psychic sensitivity. There is more.
Esoteric Pisces: Esoterically, when the Pisces is at the more advanced stages of discipleship, the outer world loses its appeal and a very concerted effort develops in order to free oneself from restrictions and obstacles to liberation from the wheel of life and death (samsara) and full enlightenment. Pluto becomes the primary planet guiding the consciousness of the Pisces at that point. The effort then is a sequential and forceful disconnection from the pull of the world (meaning the personality) in the process of clearing away even the most subtle obscurations to omniscience. Whereas the Jupiter rulership establishes the connection between the soul and the personality (symbolized by the cord that binds the two fishes in the sign’s symbol), the rulership of Pluto represents the severing of that cord, meaning liberation from samsara. But it means even more. At that point, when the cord is severed, there are no longer any attachments at all – to things, to people, to groups, even to this Earth. Yet, the desire (if we can call it that) to save sentient beings from their suffering is so strong that Pisces represents a world savior, who wilfully incarnates to relieve the spiritual suffering of all beings on Earth. And in the background as this process is ongoing, we have the activity of Neptune clarifying the astral nature and allowing buddhi (intuition) to be ttransmitted thereby. There is a resonance between the astral and buddhic planes.
Onward to revelation: Consider the following verses, from the Book of Revelation:
“(12) “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. (13) I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. (14) “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. (15) Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. (16) “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.” (17) The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.”[3]
Every Piscean already holds the seed of renunciation within. In terms of the approach we have taken in this latest series of these letters, seeing the zodiac as an archetypal process on the path to liberation and full enlightenment, in the Pisces phase one is already a full Renunciate, having undertaken the 4th initiation at the end of the Aquarian phase, that of the Great Renunciation. Even the soul in incarnation has been ‘renounced’ (set free/returned to its source). There is no longer a causal body, as Theosophist know it. There is instead a direct transmission of force and communication from the Monad to the brain consciousness. There is also no longer an astral body. It has been completely dispersed in the process of purification. ‘There is no more sea’, in a manner of speaking. This takes place on the 3rd and 4th Buddhist paths, where desire is transformed from the personal to the desire to be of service. This was fulfilled in Aquarius in our current model. There remains only one more step, the 5th Path, that of ‘no-more-learning’, leading to the initiation of ‘The Revelation’, the status of a Master of the Wisdom. We have thereby come full circle in the zodiac, which brings us to consider the quote, above.
What we have in these verses can be seen as the next stage in the zodiac after Aquarius. The bolded text is the most pertinent to the way we have examined the signs of the zodiac in the most recent letters. We will take those bolded bits one-by-one and weave them into a synthesis, not necessarily in order in the verses. ‘I am the Alpha and Omega’ can be read astrologically as the cusp of Pisces/Aries – 0° of Aries. Aries is the first sign, archetypally, of stepping onto what we call The Path, having ‘reversed the wheel’ many lifetimes ago in Libra. Aries is the Alpha of the zodiacal signs, that of beginnings, ‘The first’. At the end of the Pisces experience we have returned to our primordial state of universal consciousness, from whence we came over our long experiences in samsara/rebirth. At last – ‘the last’ we become one in universal consciousness with the World Teacher, represented by Jesus in the New Testament. In Buddhist terms, we have attained Buddha-consciousness, having fulfilled our karma and dharma. We have ‘become Omega’.
The only remaining effort needed in the Pisces phase under our consideration is to complete the ‘washing of our robes’ – removing the final obstacles to the full realization of our Buddha-nature (full enlightenment). These, in reality, are represented by the Solar Angel, the soul on its own plane. But in the physical nature it is no longer necessary, since the need to incarnate has been removed. Instead, the focus has moved to the ‘subtle robes’, which are those of the Solar Angel. It is said that the Solar Angel (atma-buddhi-manas) is an initiate of all degrees and already perfect. But from the perspective of the Monad – our Buddha-nature – such is not the case. The Solar Angel exists on planes below that of the Monad and must therefore be transcended in order to attain full enlightenment. We must transcend even nirvana. Those planes of the Solar Angel in Buddhism are the realms of the gods and demi-gods. As such, they represent a type of incarnation, too, and they have stood as a sort of waystation of transmission between the Monad and the brain consciousness. They also represent an avenue of service, as well as ultimate realms of suffering. The aim in Pisces is to set the Solar Angel free as well — the supreme act of individual service.
The ‘tree of life’ is our very Buddha-nature, the fountain of all-knowledge, all-wisdom, all-power, poured forth (accessed) for all who thirst after it. By this final cleansing of the robes we are able to freely come and go through ‘the gates of the city’, which we might surmise to be Shamballa, the star Sirius or even past the periphery of our solar system and local universe in terms of consciousness. The ‘bright morning star’ is known as the Luciferian (Light-bringing) phase of Venus, that planet representing the higher Self of our Earth. It presages the birth of a New Day, a rebirth into higher consciousness. The ‘Spirit and the bride’ (the Monad and the soul) beckon us, as incarnating beings bound to the wheel of life and death, to drink from the waters of life and liberate ourselves from our own suffering, thereby liberating others. They beckon us to follow the examples of the great World Teachers, thereby ‘attaining Omega’. But the World Teacher in this case says the moment of return is coming – and soon. Anyone with experience is such matters knows that ‘soon’ can mean within days or even millennia. When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
Why are we waiting?: What the Teacher awaits before returning is the awakening of a real thirst within enough of humanity for the water of life. Where have we heard that phrase ‘water of life’ before?: Yes, in Aquarius. Perhaps we have to wait for the Aquarian Age to more fully unfold before the Teacher appears. But in the meantime, what we need to do to hasten the reappearance is to ‘become very thirsty’ and to undertake a more concerted ‘cleaning our robes’. We will leave these considerations for now for contemplation. As it stands we have completed another round of such investigations as we have undertaken in these recent letters. A New Day awaits us as we assess the wisdom, or lack thereof, we have gained over this Phase of the Forerunner. For now we move on to the full moon and what is being presented to us in our current events.
The full moon takes place 14 March 2025 at 06:55 UTC (4:55 pm AEDT). This full moon is also a total lunar eclipse. There is a post on the dynamics and effects of the eclipse on the blog site. Foregoing a full reading for this full moon we have the following excerpt from the blog post:
“The Sabian symbols for the degrees of the eclipse axis are as follows:
Seeing that the Moon is the focal point of the chart, the Sabian symbol, the aspects to the Moon and the midpoints by the Moon are of the most importance. The symbol points toward maintaining our calmness and innocence in the face of all that confronts us. It is a call to non-violence in response to all situations. The trine to Uranus calls for original thinking and the instigation of new orders, especially along humanitarian lines.
Given the Moon faces off against the large stellium in Pisces (ruling oceans/the sea), we might surmise this eclipse will have significance for trans-Atlantic relations. We know also the old saying, ‘no man is an island, entire of itself…’ In fact, given the war in Ukraine and the increasing tensions in Palestine, it is worth revisiting the entire quote, from John Donne:
“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a manor of thy friend’s or of thine own were: any man’s death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.”
The Moon is conjunct the south node, meaning this eclipse is also implicated in the finishing of affairs and bringing up the past for examination. We know a path toward ending the war in Ukraine is beginning to be addressed, for example, though it is also likely to be at least months away yet. But the suffering there and across Europe (including Russia) has become too much and must end. It will be much the same in any individual’s affairs…”
Furthermore, from looking at the planetary dynamics for the entire year, there is the following to consider throughout Trump’s 2nd term in office. Since the Aquarian soul of the US is seeking further expression and the eclipse affects the current US administration, and as well because both Uranus (ruling Aquarius) and Pluto (ruling Pisces) are involved, as well as the Trump administration’s Neptune being highlighted in this eclipse, there is a planetary combination that bears consideration. The following is from the blog post for the planetary indicators for 2025:
“Of particular interest is the midpoint Nep=Ura/Plu, one of long duration. At the 2° orb this one came into effect on 4 July 2024 and will be in effect for all of 2025. It will persist in varying degrees of intensity throughout next year, 2027 and through to August of 2028 – throughout Trump’s 2nd term in office. From the middle of this year the configuration is that of a soft triangle with Neptune at the exact midpoint of a trine between Uranus and Pluto, signalling a more positive transformation in world affairs – toward cooperation instead of confrontation. The triangle will separate in December. In the first week of August this year Saturn will join Neptune at the midpoint, opposed by Mars, signalling a crisis, after which matters will settle. The full moon of August (Festival of Sirius) contains that configuration and shows an extraordinary figure, which will be addressed at the time. It will mark a pronounced change in world affairs, a likely schism between some powers, as well as more organized, potent and positive emerging organizations between other powers. This midpoint marks the true emergence of a ‘new world order’. Opinions vary greatly as to what that might be. Some idea of the meaning of the midpoint can be gleaned from the following, from Reinhold Ebertin:[4]
Uranus/Pluto: “+ The attainment of great objectives by an immense application of effort, the bringing of new things into being, the creation of new conditions of living.
– Acts of violence, upsets, subversive activities, putting the gun to someone’s head, the enforcement of decisions, an accident.
Nep=Ura/Plu: A sympathetic understanding of other people, the knowledge of human nature, deep study of a subject of special interest, the inclination to delve into the Supernatural Realms. – Insecurity and uncertainty, unfulfilled wishes, fatigue, nervous diseases (neuroses).”
All of the above will apply, according to peoples’, groups’ and nations’ inclinations. From 6 July until mid-November the same combination occurs, except it appears as Plu=Ura/Nep, indicating increasing confusion:
“A person who is influenced or impressed very easily by others. The inclination to remain at the mercy of external conditions and circumstances without trying to make a firm stand. – The abandonment of resistance, the necessity to give in, great losses, calamities, catastrophes.”[5]
The reality of plans put in place since the start of this year will force changes and abandonment of initiatives in favor of a more realistic view. Pluto, representing oligarchies, will force a period of reckoning over those months and onward. It could also mark a period of revolutionary upheaval…”
Current events: the following events have taken place since 24 Feb this year:
To be continued, shortly…