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Our current understanding of esoteric astrology is based in Western astrology. Without at least a basic knowledge of Western astrology there is no basis for understanding what has been given out in the West about esoteric astrology. In that regard, there is really only one source for our current view of what is called esoteric astrology: Alice A. Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology. From the opening paragraph of that book we have the following:
What is covered in considering esoteric astrology, then? The basic
presentation thus far in terms of what we know of esoteric astrology is Western as to the language and the factors outlined. The twelve signs of the zodiac are discussed, but with an expanded subjective point of view. The rulerships, decanates, qualities, elements and so forth are all the same as we have in Western astrology. But there are differences, and other factors are introduced in esoteric astrology for our consideration, as follows:
We are told elsewhere within Bailey’s collection of books that new dispensations regarding astrology are forthcoming. No doubt, more of the Eastern components within esoteric astrology will be revealed as the next years and decades proceed, now that Eastern systems of astrology are more widely known in the West. In fact, the Chinese astrological practices are themselves based in the three major rays – one, two and three – will/power, love/wisdom and adaptability/active intelligence, respectively, though hidden from the general public.
The future will bear out all the preceding.