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Why the US is going after Iran: War on the horizon?
Pt. II
© Malvin Artley, Aug 2018
The reasons
An overview of the Israelis and Saudis
Israel and the propaganda
What is the Saudi’s beef with Iran?
What war with Iran would mean
The emerging realities
The reasons: Following on from our discussion of Iran, its history, society and people, we can now get a clearer view of what is taking place currently between the US and that ancient culture. There are currently many methods being employed by the US and the Saudis to try to isolate and bring Iran to heel. The think tanks in Washington have been busy. Among those we see economic sanctions, cyber warfare, threats to other nations in an attempt to end trade with Iran and attempts to destabilize Iran from inside using proxy forces. None of these are likely to have the desired effects, and we will examine why in due course. In addition, those efforts are likely to produce blowback for the nations involved in trying to sabotage Iran. So, the question is, why would the US, the Saudis and Israel want to see Iran marginalized? There are three main reasons:
Thus, we see that there is much at stake in Washington’s efforts to rein in Iran, including also the two other players just mentioned. Currently, the two main attack fronts on Iran are economic and the efforts at instigating internal instability using proxy forces inside Iran. The latter involve several minority groups, the most notable and visible of which is the MEK, so we will start our investigations with them.
The MEK: If you want a good current example of irony and cynicism in American foreign policy, look no further than the MEK – the Mojahedin-e Khalq – or the People’s Mujahedin Organization of Iran. This is a terrorist organization, currently listed as such by Japan, Iraq and Abu Dhabi. Until 2012 it was listed as one by the US State Department, which now lists it as ‘an exiled Iranian resistance group’. It was delisted as a terrorist group at the direction of Hillary Clinton because of its supposed rejection of violence, although the group remains controversial. They were founded in 1965 by leftist students in Iran in opposition to the Shah’s rule. They helped to overthrow the Shah in 1979, but broke violently with the clerics after the revolution, and were exiled, thereafter settling in Iraq with the blessing and support of Saddam Hussein. In Iraq they helped to suppress Kurdish uprisings in the north and Shia unrest in the south. They then participated in the Iran-Iraq war on the side of the Iraqis, were used to infiltrate Iranian positions and give intelligence to the Iraqis and were utilized in a suicide attack on Iranian positions in ‘Operation Eternal Light’. Thousands of them were killed, and a large number of them were executed by Iranians after being captured. The Iranians see them as traitors, and they are reviled in Iran. A study of that operation will shed light on why employing internal forces to destabilize Iran will fail to work.
US support for the MEK is a ‘marriage of convenience’, the idea that ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’. It is the same sort of ploy that was used to start the war in Syria and the 2014 Ukrainian coup – using an extremist group to foment violence against a government that is not otherwise friendly to one’s interests. This type of tactic was discussed in the Russia article, under the section on Crimea. The use of the MEK against Iran is a red herring that at best will go nowhere, and at worst will backfire and cause the MEK to be relisted as a terrorist organization by the US and the EU, with all that implies. We won’t go into why, but the following points might give an indication.
The MEK has advocated violent overthrow of the Iranian government from the start. It has also resorted to terrorist tactics – bombings, assassinations, human rights abuses and so forth – to further its aims. It killed Americans in Iran in the 1970s, was involved in the hostage crisis after the Iranian revolution, and has plotted attacks in other nations, including a FIFA world cup tournament, to name a few things. The organization has variously been classed as ‘a bunch of nut jobs’, a cult, a cult of personality, as Marxist, as feminist (many of its leaders are women) and so forth. It behaves much like a cult. Scholars describe it as having “authoritarian and charismatic leadership, psychological manipulation, intense ideological exploitation and isolation, sexual control, emotional isolation, degrading peer pressure, deceptive recruitments, forced labor, sleep deprivation, physical abuse, and lack of exit options within the group as cultic tendencies.” (from the linked Wiki article) The MEK describes itself as a democratic organization that espouses free market economic models and so forth, but this is propaganda to endear it to the West, from all appearances.
So, with all the preceding about the MEK in mind, this is the group that Washington wants to see take the reins of power in the Iranian government, or to at least use them to topple the Iranian government. But, this is probably the one group in Iran that is universally condemned. And with the Basij being as strong as it is in Iran, do we really see any hope of ‘celebrating in Tehran’ by the end of this year? More to the point, do we really want to see the government toppled in Iran at all, given what that would mean for the region if there is a violent overthrow? That brings us next to the two other nations in the mix – Israel and the Saudis – and why they have such a beef with Iran.
An overview of the Israelis and Saudis: The reasons for talk of war or even limited strikes against Iran have been lobbied for in Washington by Israel and the Saudis for some years now, but those calls have intensified since the war in Syria is drawing to a close. It was hoped by them and the neocons in Washington that the fall of Assad in Syria would facilitate the isolation and eventual fall of the theocracy in Iran. The reasons for their lobbying efforts are stated as follows:
Both Saudi Arabia and Israel know they cannot defeat Iran and its proxies without the active participation of the United States. That would require shaping the “threat” narrative to start with a series of relatively minor military actions that appear defensive or non-controversial to draw the United States in without really appearing to do so. American involvement would be against Washington’s own interests in the region but it would serve Saudi and Israeli objectives, particularly if the situation is inherently unstable and is allowed to escalate. Both the Saudis and, more particularly, the Israelis have powerful lobbies in Washington that will push a friendly Congress for increased U.S. involvement and the Iranophobic mainstream media is likely to be similarly positive in helping to shape the arguments for American engagement.
Israel and the propaganda: We constantly hear that Iran wants to “wipe Israel off the face of the map/earth”. Is that really true, though? The answer may surprise you. The quoted words are said to be directly out of the mouth of then-president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The Western media and hawks in Washington and Israel seized on those words and endlessly repeated them, even to this day, as the reason to see Iran as a threat and that it needs to be stopped from its ‘aggressive actions’ and ‘expansionist tendencies’. The truth about Iran wanting to wipe Israel off the face of the map is a little different from what we hear, though. The quote was actually a mistranslation – a rather unfortunate, if not deliberate one – of a speech by Ahmadinejad where he repeated the recent words he heard of the Ayatollah Khomeini regarding certain regimes in the world, which included also Iraq, the Shah and the USSR. The Iranian news agency in so doing handed a golden propaganda meme to Iran’s enemies on the proverbial silver platter. What Ahmadinejad actually said was as follows, in Farsi:
“Imam ghoft een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad.”
The literal translation of that to English (adjusting for English syntax) is:
“Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem – God willing – must vanish from the present day.”
That’s a little different from saying Israel must be wiped from the face of the earth. In fact, what Ahmadinejad actually said (from the linked article) was that the regime in Israel, meaning the Zionists,
“…is the West’s apparatus of political oppression against Muslims. He says the “Zionist regime” was imposed on the Islamic world as a strategic bridgehead to ensure domination of the region and its assets. Palestine, he insists, is the frontline of the Islamic world’s struggle with American hegemony, and its fate will have repercussions for the entire Middle East.”
Trump recently sent out a cryptic tweet saying he wanted nothing less than world peace via the sanctions against Iran, all the while initiating economic and psychological warfare against them and for the wider region as a result, including Europe. But, this also goes in step with his move of recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, along with a soon-to-be-revealed ‘ultimate deal’ for the resolution of the ‘Palestinian problem’ – which is caused more by Israel more so than the Palestinians – and Israel’s nation-state law. What we see emerging is a potent set-up for the ‘end times’, for which millions of US Christian evangelicals, most of whom are Trump supporters, yearn and watch. It is not difficult to imagine a time in the not-too-distant future when Israelis find themselves confined as a nation, confused, with civil unrest and at odds with all of its neighbors, not to mention the rest of the world as a result of the foregoing points. The Muslims in the region are increasingly suspicious of such an ‘ultimate deal’ and are leaning more and more to the East and Russia in their dealings.
Khomeini was actually quite prescient in his assertions, and it has nothing to do with ‘Iranian aggression’. In fact, Iran would not really have to do anything to see the end of the Zionists in Israel. The rest of the Arab world would likely do it for them. That regime is already setting up the scenario for its own destruction. Israel is not viewed favorably by much of the world. That does not mean the destruction of Israel, though. Just what is the unfolding scene with regard to the Israeli regime then?
The above points give indication of a growing impatience with and opposition toward Israel in the international community, to the extent that the UN General Assembly and Human Rights Council have roundly condemned Israel on several occasions for its treatment of the Palestinians. Then, there are these additional points:
The preceding five points are the strategic reasons why we are unlikely to see a conflict with Iran, especially since the Syrian conflict has failed to dislodge Assad. Israel now has two forces on its borders with fresh battle experience – Syria and Hezbollah. Any plans at further expansion of Israeli territory have been thwarted, at least for the moment. The truth be known, all this talk about Iran from the US and Israel is in the nature of bluster and manipulation, rather than being of any substance. What the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel really seek in Iran is regime change. But that is unlikely to happen, or if it does, it would probably not be to their liking. What, then, does Saudi Arabia seek in all this?
What is the Saudi’s beef with Iran?: The Saudis have long had a rivalry with Iran. There are many reasons for this. One that is most frequently focused upon is the Shia-Sunni religious rivalry, but that has been largely politicized rather than being a reality. It is, in fact, an aftereffect rather than a cause. The main drivers for conflict in the Middle East are geopolitical rather than religious, but the ‘religion card’ is played prominently in Western media narratives to cover up for the shenanigans of political and economic interests. The main reason for the Saudi-Iranian rivalry is a struggle for regional dominance. At this point, the Saudis are on the back foot. The Saudis see threats at every turn as they seek to maintain their dominance in the region. It is one of the main reasons their defense spending is so inordinately high. There are several points to keep in mind, especially in the current historical vein, and there are a couple of videos that go into some depth about it (here and here):
Further, Iran has a population of 82 million people, a population that on the whole is opposed to Washington’s policies and who hate Trump, is battle-hardened via the Iran-Iraq War, has a modern, well-equipped military, is part of the Axis of Resistance, is across the Persian Gulf from Saudi Arabia, and has strong proxy forces throughout the region. Iran is also linked to Russia via the Caspian Sea, with Russia having a strong naval presence there – and that naval presence has missiles that can reach Poland, Greece and the entirety of the Arabian peninsula, were Russia to become involved militarily. Russia has also supplied Iran with some of its more advanced antiaircraft missile systems. Iran has solid relations with Russia and China. The Syrian Army is also allied with Iran and would cause quite a bit of trouble for Israel in the event of a wholesale attack on Iran. Russia would have a great interest in keeping Iran intact, as would China. Public opinion about Iran in Iraq is mixed, but generally there is a strong relationship, so Iraq could be a problem for attacking forces, too. Iran is seen especially favorably in the Shia communities in Iraq, and the main oil fields in Iraq are in the Shia section of Iraq. Are we beginning to get a picture?
From what is generally stated in various blogs and opinion pieces, probably the first thing that would happen in the event of an attack on Iran would be the closure of the Strait of Hormuz, shutting off 20% of the world’s oil supplies and spiking the price of oil. It would spell economic disaster for many economies worldwide. But, there is something else to consider, and it goes to why the US has been trying to shut down Iran’s production of ballistic missiles. Those missiles are not aimed at Europe, as we have been told in the past. Instead, they are aimed at Saudi Arabia, especially Riyadh and the Saudi oil fields, as well as American bases in the region. In the event of an attack on Iran, those missiles would be launched, destroying the Saudis’ oil production facilities, as well as those in other allied countries. There would be no need to close the Strait of Hormuz. It would indeed be, as Rouhani stated the matter, “the mother of all wars”, as it would cripple Saudi Arabia, disrupt oil production and shipments for months at least, and probably push Europe, Japan and China into the arms of Russia for energy supplies, thus completing de-dollarization in Asia and Europe, in all likelihood.
Such a move would benefit the US oil industry, would hurt China for a time, but would also hurt the most vulnerable consumers worldwide, especially in Europe if it took place in winter, and so forth. The US would probably destroy most of Iran’s important infrastructure within weeks with air power alone, without Russian or Chinese intervention. In that sense, the US would win the battle, but in the long term, would lose the war. The Iranians have military and nuclear infrastructure deep within tunnels in the mountains. To effectively clear those would mean having to invade. An invasion of Iran would begin one of the most terrible guerilla wars in history. It would have to go house-to-house, confronting a young, highly idealistic, and motivated population by the invading forces, in rugged mountainous terrain, with a rapidly-formed civilian militia by the Basij numbering many millions of people, probably. The Basij receive basic military training when they join that organization. In addition, that militia would probably be backed by Russia and China via the Caspian Sea. Plus, there are missiles hidden in the mountains along the Persian Gulf, many of which are mobile, and which would shut down shipping through the Strait, probably for months. Those would have to be dislodged by troops as well. Not being a military expert, these are the points I have been able to surmise from numerous more knowledgeable sources, like the one just linked, for example. But to hear some pundits say it, a military intervention would be ‘a walk in the park’ – just like Iraq, Vietnam and Afghanistan. We’ll think on that one for a while.
Lastly, if an attack on Iran had happened a few years ago, even, the results may not have been so catastrophic for the Middle East. Syria was in ruins, about to fall at any moment. Russia was not yet involved there. The Middle East could well have become balkanized and under the control of the US, Israel and the Saudis. That was then. Now the situation is quite different. The efforts at toppling Assad have failed. Syria and Iran are close allies, and Syrian troops have gained valuable military experience through their civil war. And, Syria wants the Golan Heights back from Israel at some point. It is Syrian territory, after all. Russia has gained a solid foothold in the Middle East and is increasingly seen as a reliable partner, having stepped into the power vacuum that the US is leaving in the wake of its incursions there. Russia and Iran have a solid alliance now, with trade deals, defense deals and friendlier relations than they have had for years, and with those ties only set to deepen. China is doing likewise with Iran, and they have had growing military ties since the 1980s. China is also looking to increase its uptake of Iranian oil in defiance of US sanctions. India already pays for Iranian oil in rupees, sidestepping US sanctions. In the long term, US sanctions will probably only have the effect of increasingly causing nations to seek other avenues of payment other than the US dollar, further weakening the leverage Washington has had for decades over the internal affairs of nations worldwide.
The emerging realities: Donald Trump has painted himself in a corner, allowing himself to be misguided by the Saudis, Israelis, pro-Israel oligarchs and neocons into walking out of the JCPOA and seeking to destabilize Iran. Sanctions will not work. Iran has taken controls off of its rial, allowing the market to determine its value in other currencies. It will probably shortly de-dollarize completely. It also has ways to circumvent the US sanctions, even if the Europeans completely cave in. The efforts at regime change will fail because of the failure of the strategists in Washington to take cultural considerations into account and without reliable intelligence on the ground. The idea of regime change is based upon our Western values and fails to take the Asian and Islamic mindset into consideration. There appears to be no curiosity about the cultures in these foreign interventions. This is the biggest reason why the US has failed so miserably in Iraq and Afghanistan, and why the conflicts continue to drag on with no visible signs of progress or a way out. Imagine how that would turn out in a country like Iran. And, all Iran needs to do at present is to keep tensions up in the Persian Gulf sufficient to limit shipping and to keep suppliers nervous enough for long enough without a full scale conflict for there to be considerable pressure on Washington to make peace with Iran. The Iranians are far more patient than Washington and have too much to lose if they capitulate. History will bear this out. I see nothing in Iran’s astrology that indicates a change in government in the next few years. I do, however, see a determined sense of independence.
History will also probably record the abrogation of the JCPOA by the Trump administration as one of its greatest blunders, at least from the standpoint of the elites in Washington and Europe who wanted to see a globalized world order with dollar dominance. One of the Obama administration’s key purposes of the JCPOA in the first place was to keep Iran in the fold of the petro-dollar. Then there was what was called a ‘secret plot’ by opponents of the plan to give Iran millions of dollars, which could otherwise be seen as a sweetener to keep Iran on board. Stopping the spread of nuclear weapons was sold as the way to keep Iran in place, but if we look at the timing of the JCPOA (2015), it came just two years after China announced the Belt and Road Initiative (2013). Iran had announced its plans to enrich uranium in 1996. Sanctions were first imposed on Iran for its nuclear activities in 2006. Negotiations for the JCPOA began in 2013. Even in 2006, then, sanctions failed to curb Iran in its nuclear ambitions. It was only in 2013 that they came to the table and began to hash out an agreement. At the least, there were two sides to the agreement – one according to the public, nuclear side, and a more secret side which related to finance. The former is shown in the implementation chart, with Uranus (technology) conjunct the descendant (contracts), square to Pluto (nuclear energy), which squares the horizon. The latter is shown in the creation chart. With the JCPOA, the Obama administration had to acknowledge the limits of America’s power, and that infuriates the hawks and many conservatives in Washington
Malvin Artley
12 Aug 2018
Update, as of 29 Aug 18: Since the original posting of this article, a couple of significant factors have come to light which may indeed eventually signal a conflict with Iran. The first and most significant item is that Syria and Iran have just signed a mutual defense pact. This was indicated by a solar arc of Jupiter to the Syrian Mars (military in general) and the following transits: Mars trine Syria’s Saturn (the latter ruling partnerships for Syria) and with transiting Mars in the 7th house, north node to Syria’s Pluto (a karmic link and the common destiny of large groups of people), and Jupiter sesquisquare to Syria’s Midheaven (the former representing the military for Syria). We also make note of the approaching t-square of Saturn with the Syrian meridian axis, indicating a key decision of the Assad government. Saturn makes its direct station at a degree and a half from exactitude. The Iranian Defense Minister Hatami visited Damascus a couple of days ago in order to sign that agreement. Citing the linked article:
“No details have been provided about the document’s content but it’s logical to surmise it contains a list of mutual obligations in the event that the Iranian military is attacked in Syria…The deal mentions Iran’s role in the reconstruction of Syria’s defense industry, thus ending any hopes that its military presence in that country will end. According to the Iranian defense chief, the ‘defense and technical agreement’ provides for the continued ‘presence and participation’ of Iran in Syria. He added that an agreement had been reached with Syria that Iran would have ‘presence, participation, and assistance’ in the reconstruction and that ‘no third party will be influential in this issue.’”
That last sentence means not even Russia, but it is specially pointed at Israel and Western powers. However, it also complicates the situation in Syria for all foreign powers there. Thus, the die has been cast. Neither Israel nor the US have any hope now of Iran leaving Syria, short of Syria’s destruction or another major disruption of the state, which is unlikely. It also means that an open corridor remains between Iran and Lebanon for resupply of Hezbollah, if or as needed.
This agreement follows upon a buildup in the Mediterranean and elsewhere of both American and Russian naval forces, the former possibly presaging a forecast false flag chemical attack in the Idlib province in the coming days. Large scale military operations by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) – Syria’s national army – to clear the rebel enclave there are due to commence on or shortly after Sep 7, the very day Saturn turns direct opposite the US Venus (the sitting administration, and the US military, Venus ruling both those houses – 10th and 6th, resp).John Bolton has essentially broadcast to the world that such an attack will take place, saying that if one does take place, then the US would respond with very strong force. America’s favorite psychic, Nikki Haley, says she already knows who would be behind such an attack. I imagine she does, really, but she likes to see if we are paying attention. It is an open invitation for opposition groups in Syria to stage such an attack. The Syrian government has no need to do so. It is also the opposition’s last hope for any sort of US intervention in Syria.
On Sep 7 there is also a transiting sesquisquare of Jupiter to the US Venus, showing a hint of optimism, but the entire configuration augers an upset for the US if an attack does take place. However, it is becoming more and more doubtful that any sort of false flag event will take place. The main event through this period will be the liberation of Idlib from the tens of thousands of jihadists there, thus dealing a big blow to any possible future plans to use them for regime change operations. In the Syrian chart there is a solar arc of the Syrian Saturn/Uranus conjunction aspecting their Midheaven, indicating a possible provocation and on the whole making terrific demands on the strength of the state. That natal conjunction is very telling with regard to Syria, and speaks to the tenacity of the government and its ability to overcome obstacles, which it has done.
29 Aug 18
Picture credits:
The Azadi Tower: Wikimedia Commons
MEK disciples: https://lobelog.com/are-the-mek-and-regime-change-finally-running-out-of-road/
Human rights cartoon: https://iuvmpress.news/isnt-it-funny-to-see-someone-like-joe-biden-who-has-allies-like-saudi-arabia-and-israel-trying-to-teach-russia-lessons-in-democracy-and-human-rights/
Ahmadinejad with orthodox Jews: https://www.timesofisrael.com/irans-ahmadinejad-to-jewish-journalist-im-not-an-anti-semite/
Just one wrong move: https://www.timesofisrael.com/iranian-mouthpiece-threatens-israel-with-map-of-targets/
Rial vs. dollar: https://www.al-monitor.com/originals/2018/04/iran-fx-currency-swap-agreements-turkey-lc-trade-sanctions.html
Middle East cold war: https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/g1osjg/the_middle_eastern_cold_war_breakdown_oc/
Iran, underground military: https://atalayar.com/en/content/iran-reveals-new-underground-missile-base-world
Iranian centrifuges: https://www.timesofisrael.com/iran-has-moved-centrifuge-work-from-site-allegedly-hit-by-israel-to-natanz-iaea/
Iran/SCO: https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/474625/Iran-s-SCO-membership-to-be-approved-this-year-acting-Uzbek
Strait of Hormuz: https://www.foxnews.com/world/whats-the-strait-of-hormuz-iran-shot-us-navy-drone